November 14, 2019
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Renewing the Mind, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
Victimized by men throughout his childhood and adolescence, Stephen found himself driven by homosexual compulsions. Heading for disaster, he finally discovered the truth about Jesus' sacrifice for his sins and decided to choose holiness. From Pure Passion TV. ...
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March 22, 2018
by Franklin, Andrew: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Renewing the Mind, Sexual Purity, Ministry To The Homosexual, Identity, Andrew Franklin, Testimony
Andrew Franklin tells his story about how Jesus has transformed his life and brought him out of homosexuality, revealing his true identity in Christ....
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August 9, 2017
by Restored Hope Network (RHN)
| Tags: Cultural Concerns, Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, About First Stone, Church, Ministry To The Homosexual, Emotional Dependency, Gay Christian?, Position Paper
Restored Hope Network (RHN) respectfully disagrees with anyone who continues to identify as both ‘homosexual’ and Christian. Identification with Christ can and must displace an identity based on disordered desires. The New Testament repeatedly calls believers to repent of old identifications and to cleave to the
new, true source of one’s identity...
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June 6, 2017
by Thiessen, C. Joseph: (FSM)
| Tags: Pornography, Cultural Concerns, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Christianity (beginners), Covenant Eyes, Internet
An encouraging article and testimony from Joseph Thiessen in overcoming internet pornography addiction. There are several helpful tools included from Covenant Eyes....
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May 17, 2016
by First Stone Ministries (FSM)
| Tags: Cultural Concerns, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Church, Pornography, Sexual Addiction
First Stone has compiled a short list of stunning statistics concerning pornography use among Christians including pastors as well as in marriage and children....
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November 20, 2015
by West, Christopher Z1
Audio & Video Teachings
| Tags: Ministry To The Homosexual, Marriage, Sexual Purity, Loving Christ, Bible, Homosexuality, Relational Wholeness, Imago Dei, Theology of the Body
The emphasis of the beauty of God's divine intent and His divine creation brings clarity to Imago Dei - made in the image of God. This message was delivered on June 26, 2015 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania the very morning the Supreme Court gave their opinion on gay marriage in America....
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March 25, 2015
by Murray, Jason Z1
| Tags: Sexual Purity, About First Stone, Church
A Letter from a Pastor Who Participated in Living Waters 2014-2015...
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September 26, 2014
by Reisman, Judith Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Cultural Concerns, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Christianity (mature), Science
Reliance on Kinsey's "Scientific" Child Sex Atrocities and the Effects of His Crime and Fraud on Past and Current Law and Public Policy(PDF)...
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June 30, 2013
by Restored Hope Network (RHN)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Marriage, About First Stone, Ministry To The Homosexual, Position Paper
This statement was taken in part, and used by permission from the Restored Hope Network “Position on Advocating for Marriage”. First Stone Ministries, along with
Restored Hope Network, upholds the original definition of marriage as understood through Scripture and the history of humanity: one man committed for one woman for the sake of the children they create and/or ...
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November 11, 2011
by Franklin, Andrew: (FSM)
| Tags: Youth, Sexual Purity
When it comes to sexuality, so much confusion exists in our culture. For most teenagers, the voices of the entertainment industry & friends are loud, mysterious, and enticing, while the voice of Christians seems to be...well...quite silent, if not condemning and restrictive. Parents are often uncomfortable talking about sex, and many times they substitute a few "don'ts" in...
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May 16, 2008
by Thiessen, C. Joseph: (FSM)
| Tags: Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Christianity (mature), Pornography
Internet pornography (I-porn) has always been easily accessible. I should know. I have to keep watch for my own soul on a regular basis. If you have been trapped in this addiction, you too know its power to hold and its power to keep you in bondage or if you need assistance in keeping your computer (and your eyes) from accessing I-porn, then this article should help you le...
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July 27, 2007
| Tags: Parents, Sexual Abuse, Youth, Sexual Purity, About First Stone
The last First Stone newsletter you sent out was God-inspired and truly ministered to those of us who are parents of children caught in this trap of same-sex attraction. The Fading Faces article really touched our lives....
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June 29, 2007
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, About First Stone, Ministry To The Homosexual
The faces that come to the First Stone office are nothing more than the fading faces of children who have been hurt...but now the face we see is the grown up one, but the hurt is still there. Matthew 18:10 says “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”...
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June 30, 2006
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Ministry To The Homosexual, Emotional Dependency, Pornography
“Teach me how to be a man.” This has been the cry of my heart, the desire of my life since my memories began. My journey has been one out of homosexuality, a life of devouring men in fraudulent hopes of someday becoming one. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to kill and steal and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” My path has led...
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September 7, 2005
by Longacre, David E. Z1
| Tags: Youth, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Christianity (beginners)
Men and women —even long-time Christians— can struggle with things like pornography and masturbation. This should be no surprise. Yet those guys you mock in your mind—the ones sneaking in and out of Adult Bookstores—did not get started as adults....
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June 20, 2005
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
Stephen Black Interview with David Kyle Foster
Stephen Black's Testimony in overcoming homosexuality and childhood sexual abuse.
Pure Passion - Season 2, Episode 19...
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March 10, 2004
by Thiessen, C. Joseph: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Ministry To The Homosexual, Pornography
I have never considered myself a gay man as this title seems to be for the more political person who lives with his same-sex sexual orientation out in the open for all to see. In contrast, homosexuality was never a lifestyle wherein I immersed myself with like-minded people for any length of time, nor was I ever given to sex with anyone. Rather, it has been a lifestyle of ...
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June 10, 2003
by Medinger, Alan: (RHN)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Bible, Sexual Purity, Marriage, Church, Ministry To The Homosexual
The Christian married man bound by homosexuality bears a double burden. He lives under the power of a sin which brings self-condemnation and a feeling of alienation from God. He also lives with the knowledge that he is bringing a terrible hurt to another human being—his wife. But for this man, victory over homosexuality can bring a double blessing. He can be restored to ...
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November 22, 2002
by First Stone Ministries (FSM)
| Tags: Gender Confusion & Cross Dressing, Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, About First Stone, Ministry To The Homosexual, Emotional Dependency, Identity
We love what God does for those who choose to walk according to His ways! We have found freedom from homosexuality by submitting our lives to the Word of God. Hear the stories of three people and hope at First Stone Ministries....
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September 25, 2002
by Kridler, Warren Z1
| Tags: Pornography, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Emotional Dependency
As a young man I grew up in the world and thus into carnality. As a teenager, I began to be attracted to girls. One thing led to another and by the time I was seventeen, I was involved in fornication and pornography. Truly, it was the way of a young man who was not told about God, nor about His laws and the consequences of breaking them....
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March 30, 2002
by Foster, David Kyle: (RHN)
| Tags: Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Homosexuality, Renewing the Mind, Ministry To The Homosexual, Pornography
After ten years of celibacy, Jim (not his real name) had concluded that masturbation was his consolation prize - door number three in a world where the big deal of the day was behind door number one. "It was God's provision for single people and for those in sexually unfulfilling marriages," he surmised, concluding that it would be unfair for God to have made things any ot...
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March 15, 2001
by Allender, Dr. Dan Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Bible, Salvation, Sexual Purity, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare
Lust is a battle for us all. Christians – both men and women – have struggled with it for generations. Many have measured their or others’ spirituality on the basis of their freedom from lust. Yet for all the interest focused on lust it would seem that we ought to be far more clear about the problem and its solution. What exactly is lust, why is it so hard to change,...
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December 20, 2000
by Berry, William (Bill) Z1
| Tags: Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Marriage, Pornography
I am a man who has been delivered by God from a hardcore addiction to pornography and habitual sexual sin. This page gives my testimony and a BATTLE PLAN that has proven to be successful in the battle against porn. Let God deliver you from oppression....
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November 16, 2000
by Jernigan, Dennis & Melinda Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Ministry To The Homosexual
What you are about to read is a story of hope...and the reason we sing...the reason we will never stop praising the Lord Jesus Christ. The following is our personal witness of the love and power of Jesus Christ in our lives. As you read, we are asking the Lord to break your heart by the things that break His heart....
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June 20, 2000
by Ward, Willis Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
I never felt I could share my testimony because I felt too hypocritical. If people knew what I was, and what I had done, then they would reject me. I couldn't deal with rejection. I was an expert at reading people, figuring out what they wanted to see, and meeting their expectations. I held to a strategic plan to protect an image I had set up: "ME"....
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May 20, 1999
by Foster, David Kyle: (RHN)
| Tags: Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Christianity (mature), Leadership, Ministry To The Homosexual
The gatekeepers of our modern culture know of this power and have for decades been redefining the terms and ideas that fashion and direct our social beliefs and actions. Two lesbians are now a "family." Killing unborn children is now a "right." Lying with a man as with a woman is now "good," "natural" and "the creative will of God." And as if that weren't absurd enough, ou...
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January 22, 1999
by Longacre, David E. Z1
| Tags: Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Church, Pornography, Marriage
Christian marriage is under attack on many fronts. One is the abandonment by the spouses of time with each other due to work, children's activities, and even commitments to the church. Other fronts are the ever-changing role expectations in the culture, and even the need for both spouses to work because of economic burdens resulting from poor financial planning and accum...
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January 13, 1999
| Tags: Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Cultural Concerns, Youth, Christianity (mature), Church
This is the true story of the actual experiences of a woman who was on staff for many years here at Last Days Ministries. After much prayer she chose to remain anonymous in respect for the other members of her family, and because of the relationships she is trying to rebuild. - Melody Green...
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November 20, 1998
by McConkey, Chuck Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual, Gay Christian?
I'm a new creation; I'm a brand new man. If you were to ask me who I was in the Fall of 1977, I would have told you "I am a husband, I am a factory representative, I am the owner of a collector's car..." Just 6 months later in the spring of 1978; if you would have asked me who I was, I would have told you, "I am divorced, I am changing jobs, I am dealing with my dad's deat...
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September 25, 1998
by Rogers, Sy & Medinger, Alan (RHN)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Purity, Science, Psychology, Ministry To The Homosexual
For many years the gay community has used the media as a means to change society’s attitudes about homosexuality. They have disseminated much questionable information to convince society that homosexuality is innate, unchangeable and a normal variable in the spectrum of human sexuality....
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May 8, 1998
by Brown, Clay Z1
| Tags: Pornography, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity
I'm writing this, not as one who has finished the journey to freedom over sin, but as a man who faces trials and failures every day of his life. I've learned a great many things since I have faced my sexual addiction. ...
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February 11, 1998
by Hunt, Steven (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
When I was about eleven years old, I had an experience that set me on a collision course of sexual brokenness. ...
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May 30, 1997
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
"God created us this way," the gay priest told me, "and He loves us just the way we are." Sex became a distorted issue for me at an early age. I was molested about age six by a male friend of the family who was baby-sitting me. I was also exposed to some pornography at the same time. The porn was heterosexual, yet very devastating to my understanding of real love and God�...
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February 14, 1997
by Pratney, Winkie Z1
| Tags: Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity
WHEN was the last time your media ever told you the truth about sexual sin? No one on TV pays the price of illicit sex. No one in the movies gets herpes or AIDS when they jump into bed with their fun current partner of the moment. Nobody that sings the songs connects their "I want your sex" life-style with the constant pain, crazy rages and suicide....
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December 27, 1995
by Davies, Bob: (RHN)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Ministry To The Homosexual, Emotional Dependency
I had spent years in church, graduated from Bible school, and served in short-term missions. But a hidden battle was raging inside that threatened to destroy me....
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May 25, 1995
by Foster, David Kyle: (RHN)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual, Pornography
You see, when I was eight or nine, I suddenly became sexually obsessive and suicidal - classic signs of having been sexually abused, although to this day I have no such memories. I was a spoiled brat, selfish and perverse, full of rebellion and seeking to prove to everyone who looked my way that I was not the goody two-shoes that everyone was trying to typecast me as - bei...
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