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Posts Tagged with "Marriage"

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Recommended Books: Pre-Married/Married

First Stone Ministries recommends these books....

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A Grace-filled and Truthful Response Regarding "Gay Christianity"


After the ruling of the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 Laura Leigh Stanlake, Director of Women's Ministries attended a local church service where a pastor gave a message in responding to so-called "gay marriage". There was a problem! Homosexual identity and Christianity were being integrated as one legitimate identity-- a "gay Christian" identity. Laura responded with this...

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Theology of the Body, Sexual Redemption and the New Evangelization


The emphasis of the beauty of God's divine intent and His divine creation brings clarity to Imago Dei - made in the image of God. This message was delivered on June 26, 2015 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania the very morning the Supreme Court gave their opinion on gay marriage in America....

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Marriage = Biology (Not Bigotry)

Government promotes natural marriage for a reason, permits many other relationships (including gay relationships) while prohibiting very few relationships (like incest)....

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So-Called "Gay Marriage" is No Marriage at All


I am hearing of this more and more—that a Christian has been invited to attend a "wedding" between two men or two women. It is usually from a relative, a close friend, or perhaps their own child. A Christian, who is faced with a decision whether to attend or not, processes through many questions with heartache. ...

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First Stone Ministries’ Position on Advocating for Marriage


This statement was taken in part, and used by permission from the Restored Hope Network “Position on Advocating for Marriage”. First Stone Ministries, along with Restored Hope Network, upholds the original definition of marriage as understood through Scripture and the history of humanity: one man committed for one woman for the sake of the children they create and/or ...

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True Justice: Halting the Push for Gay Marriage

As I read of the 2600 same-sex couples wed in San Francisco last weekend, I studied a telling photograph that accompanied the article. In it, two small children looked on in confusion at the gay unions being formalized in front of them; they covered their eyes in shame as Mother locked lips with her new “spouse”, alongside of several other same-sex couples....

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God Restored My Marriage

“Beth,” my friend confided, “when I pray about your husband, two words keep getting impressed on my heart. One is suicide, and the other is homosexuality.”...

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Advice To Married Men Struggling With Homosexuality...

The Christian married man bound by homosexuality bears a double burden. He lives under the power of a sin which brings self-condemnation and a feeling of alienation from God. He also lives with the knowledge that he is bringing a terrible hurt to another human being—his wife. But for this man, victory over homosexuality can bring a double blessing. He can be restored to ...

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I'm A Brand New Man

My daddy was gone. I knew that he had done something very wrong, but I didn't understand fully. I did not have a daddy to hold me when I cried, no one to teach me how to play catch or throw a ball, to fight and rough-house with, or even to use the restroom like boys do. I don't remember a time when I got to be bounced on my daddy's lap, to be held and kissed, or told that ...

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Cruel Joke or Medical Anomaly?

"Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other." Neither can you have a marriage without a man and a woman, unless you’re the Massachusetts Supreme Court...

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A Battle Plan Against Porn That Works

I am a man who has been delivered by God from a hardcore addiction to pornography and habitual sexual sin. This page gives my testimony and a BATTLE PLAN that has proven to be successful in the battle against porn. Let God deliver you from oppression....

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Marriage and the Power of Porn

Christian marriage is under attack on many fronts. One is the abandonment by the spouses of time with each other due to work, children's activities, and even commitments to the church. Other fronts are the ever-changing role expectations in the culture, and even the need for both spouses to work because of economic burdens resulting from poor financial planning and accum...

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