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Posts Tagged with "Youth"

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Recommended Books: Youth

First Stone Ministries recommends these books....

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Healthy Sexuality for Today's Generation

When it comes to sexuality, so much confusion exists in our culture. For most teenagers, the voices of the entertainment industry & friends are loud, mysterious, and enticing, while the voice of Christians seems to be...well...quite silent, if not condemning and restrictive. Parents are often uncomfortable talking about sex, and many times they substitute a few "don'ts" in...

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A Letter From Parents

The last First Stone newsletter you sent out was God-inspired and truly ministered to those of us who are parents of children caught in this trap of same-sex attraction. The Fading Faces article really touched our lives....

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Teens, Porn and Solo Sex: Sex Talk in a Sex-Crazed Society

Men and women —even long-time Christians— can struggle with things like pornography and masturbation. This should be no surprise. Yet those guys you mock in your mind—the ones sneaking in and out of Adult Bookstores—did not get started as adults....

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Questions I'm Asked Most About Homosexuality

For over a decade I have worked in the specialized and somewhat controversial field of helping those desiring to overcome the control of homosexuality. It has proven to be quite a learning experience! My own story of recovery from sexual brokenness has been widely publicized, resulting in people contacting me from all over the world....

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Incest - The Family Secret

This is the true story of the actual experiences of a woman who was on staff for many years here at Last Days Ministries. After much prayer she chose to remain anonymous in respect for the other members of her family, and because of the relationships she is trying to rebuild. - Melody Green...

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