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Posts Tagged with "Lesbianism"

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Christ's Voice - Giving Hope to The Church in Finding Freedom from Sexual and Relational Brokenness


Sunnyside Baptist Church desired to bless our community with Christ’s voice on the issues of godly sexuality and holy relating. We believe that Christ speaks through His Word and gives His Church truth for real freedom to those who identify themselves as sexual minorities, LGBTQ+ or any other type of sexual sin outside of God’s will. Jesus reveals His love to all by ca...

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Sing Over Me: Bonus Interview - Laura Leigh Stanlake

Video testimony from Laura Leigh Stanlake, Director of Women's Ministries at First Stone Ministries. Freedom from lesbianism, sexual addiction, pornography and sexual abuse....

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What would Jesus say to Ellen?

Last April I had an opportunity to proclaim that truth at the Vineyard Anaheim during a Sunday service. My pastor wanted me to respond to Ellen’s coming out of the closet. Her public confession provoked in me a greater passion to proclaim Jesus transforming love for the sexually broken. As Christ’s body, we alone possess the truth, grace, and healing power that can set...

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Looking for Peace

When you think you have lost everything and nothing else matters, Jesus rises above all of it and carries us through, even in death, what unexplainable joy Jesus gives us in that time! We must trust Him! I chose a rebellious life of lesbianism and bondage to sin. Now I choose HIM! I finally found the freedom, joy, and PEACE that I had spent most of my life looking for, to ...

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Unhealthy Relationships Among Women and the Journey to Freedom

“How did this happen?” asked the woman sitting across from me in my office. “Our relationship started out as one of the best friendships I’ve ever had. I feel like I have waited for years to have a close friend, someone who lights up when she sees me. I guess she got tired of me because now she won’t even talk to me. I feel like some-one has punched me in the...

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Seven Things I Wish Pro-Gay People Would Admit

Pro-gay advocates want everyone to believe that "ex-gays" do not exist. Pro-gay advocates are intolerant of people who legitimately want to walk away from a life of homosexuality. Here are seven things that pro-gay advocates have a difficult time addressing....

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Contentment and Joy

From my earliest memories, I have longed to know Jesus. The problem was that I couldn’t ever seem to grasp the truth of His salvation. So, I became a seeker. (God rewards those who seek Him diligently. Thankfully.) Though I looked into many different expressions and practices of various religions and beliefs, I continued to return to Jesus as my One Hope. I attempted to ...

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