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Posts Tagged with "Church"

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Recommended Books: Church and Theology

First Stone Ministries recommends this book....

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Christ's Voice - Giving Hope to The Church in Finding Freedom from Sexual and Relational Brokenness


Sunnyside Baptist Church desired to bless our community with Christ’s voice on the issues of godly sexuality and holy relating. We believe that Christ speaks through His Word and gives His Church truth for real freedom to those who identify themselves as sexual minorities, LGBTQ+ or any other type of sexual sin outside of God’s will. Jesus reveals His love to all by ca...

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First Stone Ministries’ Position on ‘Gay Christian’ and ‘Spiritual Friendships?’


Restored Hope Network (RHN) respectfully disagrees with anyone who continues to identify as both ‘homosexual’ and Christian. Identification with Christ can and must displace an identity based on disordered desires. The New Testament repeatedly calls believers to repent of old identifications and to cleave to the new, true source of one’s identity...

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Public Response to False Claims Laid Against The TranZformed Documentary Being “Soul-Crushing”


This public response is answering a false claim, some distortions and the typical fake-news narrative by those who do not hold to a conservative Biblical orthodox view of human sexuality, The Gayly and Sara Cunningham. Before going into the details of their false claims...

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Scandalous Good News

Scandalous Good News Rotator

From Stephen Black: Andrew Comiskey gave a very timely message that serves as a prophetic warning to the Church. I believe this warning is especially needed for evangelicals that are more susceptible to the growing deception toward embracing “gay Christianity.” Evangelicals are more likely than ever before to embrace the mixture of the cheap-grace messaging, adding t...

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Pornography Facts 2015


First Stone has compiled a short list of stunning statistics concerning pornography use among Christians including pastors as well as in marriage and children....

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A Grace-filled and Truthful Response Regarding "Gay Christianity"


After the ruling of the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 Laura Leigh Stanlake, Director of Women's Ministries attended a local church service where a pastor gave a message in responding to so-called "gay marriage". There was a problem! Homosexual identity and Christianity were being integrated as one legitimate identity-- a "gay Christian" identity. Laura responded with this...

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Gay Christian - Oxymoron


There is a serious error that is growing in the ranks of Evangelicalism. It has already permeated mainline Protestantism. It is a Trojan Horse in the Body of Christ––one that must be addressed. It carries the potential to change the Gospel we believe, teach and preach into a different gospel (Galatians 1:8), which is NOT the Gospel, but heresy. The implications are ...

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Concerning Our Transition from Exodus International to Restored Hope Network

We, the Board of Restored Hope Network, grieve the decision of Alan Chambers and the board of Exodus to close down this venerable organization. It feels like the unnecessary death of a dear friend. It would have been better for them to have stepped aside and allowed others to carry on the message of hope for transformed lives. Although the timing of the news was a surprise...

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So-Called "Gay Marriage" is No Marriage at All


I am hearing of this more and more—that a Christian has been invited to attend a "wedding" between two men or two women. It is usually from a relative, a close friend, or perhaps their own child. A Christian, who is faced with a decision whether to attend or not, processes through many questions with heartache. ...

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Everyone Needs This Ministry - A Letter from a Pastor


A Letter from a Pastor Who Participated in Living Waters 2014-2015...

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Will the Church Show Justice and Mercy to the Same-Sex Attracted?


A Clarion Call for Genuine Salvation and Biblical Hope; Not Compromise! God commands us to love one another, yet only through the divine influence of the Holy Spirit living in us and moving us to love as the Lord Jesus Christ loves are we able to fulfill that command and walk out love. The Holy Spirit creates this kind of love within God’s diligent surrendered repentant ...

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For the Love of a Father


A poem by James Ryle about a boy who becomes a homosexual and the need for the Church to act....

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When Did Idolatry Become Compatible with Christianity? Why It Matters.


Yesterday, March 26, 2013, during oral arguments in a landmark Supreme Court case regarding same-sex marriage, Associate Justice Antonin Scalia and pro-gay marriage advocate Theodore Olson had a discussion about the Constitution that sheds light on an issue within the church....

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Affirming Biblical Orthodoxy on Homosexuality as Sin


The following article links are helpful in understanding the subject of homosexuality clearly communicated in the Bible as sin and are posted as encouragement and equipping for those who desire to have a clear Biblical response to the culture concerning homosexuality....

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The Bible - What We Believe and Why It Matters

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God; and therefore the supreme authoritative revelation of Truth for all Christian faith and life. We believe that devotion and obedience to God's Word is essential in bringing about the healing process and freedom from the bondage of sexual brokenness....

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Our Common Bond: The Presence of Idolatry and the Hope to Overcome

"It is impossible to understand your heart or your culture if you do not discern the counterfeit gods that influence them. "Do I truly know what the primary influences are that shape the desires of my heart or do I simply take the comfortable path of denial and reject any possibility that I could be enslaved to such an abominable thing as idolatry? Is my thinking really fu...

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Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

THE WORD OF GOD, Use the Scriptures, just like our Lord Jesus Christ did to overcome temptation in the wilderness. Jesus overcame the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life – (Matthew 4:1-11, 1 John 2:15-17), Know/Memorize the Scriptures and hide the Word of God in your heart to be ready for Satan’s attacks. – READ Psa. 119 to grow in-...

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Why They Fall

The first week of November 2006 our nation was hit with a scandal in the headlines concerning the fall of a prominent Christian leader. I know this man’s work and was grieved deeply, as I have visited his church. Many participants and friends of our ministry have asked “why?” Since the scandal involved homosexuality, the questions started coming our way....

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Changing Perspectives on Homosexuality

Neil and Briar Whitehead once wrote: "So much of what people in the West now believe about homosexuality is not the truth. Misinformed people are quoting other misinformed people so that the blind lead the blind. It suits some people to believe what they do, but many others genuinely don't know what to believe and would welcome the truth if they only knew where to find it...

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Looking for Love

A poem on Father Hunger...

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Brokeback Mountain Brokenness

This is a difficult article to write as I have lived my own version of Brokeback Mountain. It was in 1982. It was mischievous, deceptive, sinfully alluring, shameful, painful and not without huge consequences to my life and also for the man with whom I was involved. Our families were deeply hurt and continue to deal with the shame of our choices from over 24 years ago. Th...

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Responding to Pro-Gay Theology, Part I: Social Justice Arguments


This three-part series will address the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments—or tenets—into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments. A brief description of these arguments will be provided, followed by a response/rebuttal to each....

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Responding to Pro-Gay Theology, Part 2: General Religious Arguments


This three-part series will address the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments—or tenets—into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments. A brief description of these arguments will be provided, followed by a response/rebuttal to each....

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Responding to Pro-Gay Theology, Part 3: Scriptural Arguments


This three-part series will address the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments—or tenets—into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments. A brief description of these arguments will be provided, followed by a response/rebuttal to each....

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What would Jesus say to Ellen?

Last April I had an opportunity to proclaim that truth at the Vineyard Anaheim during a Sunday service. My pastor wanted me to respond to Ellen’s coming out of the closet. Her public confession provoked in me a greater passion to proclaim Jesus transforming love for the sexually broken. As Christ’s body, we alone possess the truth, grace, and healing power that can set...

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Ex-Gay: Fact, Fraud, or Fantasy?

"Ex-gay" is a term which always brings a response. For the most part, the gay community believes this is a total lie. They deny that it is possible to become ex-gay. It is their belief that "ex-gay" is a fraudulent term. Most come from the standpoint that a homosexual orientation is inborn, that it cannot be changed. They frequently equate the homosexual orientation with b...

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Advice To Married Men Struggling With Homosexuality...

The Christian married man bound by homosexuality bears a double burden. He lives under the power of a sin which brings self-condemnation and a feeling of alienation from God. He also lives with the knowledge that he is bringing a terrible hurt to another human being—his wife. But for this man, victory over homosexuality can bring a double blessing. He can be restored to ...

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What is a Biblical View of Transgendered People and Hermaphrodites?

Hello, I would like to know the biblical insight on transgenderism [Definition: appearing as, wishing to be considered as, or having undergone surgery to become a member of the opposite sex] and other sexual defects of the human body. There are lots of issues like hermaproditism and intersexualism [a set of medical conditions where the "sex chromosomes," external genitalia...

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Finding the Will of God


Finding the will of God can be unclear and uncertain for many. God is not a physical person that shows up for a conference session to tell you exactly what to do. Any believer would welcome that in a crisis or during a difficult decision time, but the walk of faith with Christ doesn’t work that way....

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The Ten Commandments of Deaf Culture

For the non-Deaf (missionary, pastor, evangelist, interpreter, etc.) while in the presence of a Deaf person. Many people in the deaf community have suffered under sexual abuse and struggle with sexual identity problems. Please consider the following....

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Justice & Respect

Bisexuals. Lesbians. Gays. the very words are enough to make many Christians feel uncomfortable. That which used to be hidden in the closet has increasingly become a topic of public debate and even political activism. ...

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Mason's Sayings On Prayer

John Mason's (1646-1694) sayings on prayer compiled by David Smithers with Awake and GO!...

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A Model For Hurting Parents

Last week we looked at the parable of the prodigal son from the perspective of what it teaches us about God’s abundant mercy toward sinners who repent. This was our Lord’s main reason for giving the parable, to teach the self-righteous Pharisees that God is rich in mercy toward every sinner who turns to Him....

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Apart From Prayer We Can Do NOTHING!

Did you know that the Kingdom of God will not come apart from PRAYER? The unreached will never hear the sweet name of Jesus without the labor of someone’s Spirit-led prayers. Regardless of how things may appear on the surface, nothing of eternal value is ever released without somebody, somewhere PRAYING. Because prayer by its nature is often a HIDDEN work, being done in ...

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Seven Things I Wish Pro-Gay People Would Admit

Pro-gay advocates want everyone to believe that "ex-gays" do not exist. Pro-gay advocates are intolerant of people who legitimately want to walk away from a life of homosexuality. Here are seven things that pro-gay advocates have a difficult time addressing....

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Homosexuals and the Church

"Why don't you hateful people leave us alone? We're not hurting you," John thought, as an eerie sickness gripped his stomach. Then another thought struck him: "Who would want to follow a God like the one they're displaying?"...

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Offering Hope To Homosexuals

More and more when the issue of homosexuality is raised one hears responses like these: "Why can’t we just ‘live and let live’?" "Why all this bother about something that isn’t anyone else’s business?" "It isn’t for me, but who am Ito say anything about what goes on between consenting adults behind closed doors?" "Aren’t personal decisions about sex a private...

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Homosexual Sacrifice: A Word to the Church

As I share with people about the ministry of First Stone, these quotes are the repeated ritual I have heard so many times over the last 10 years....

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Marriage and the Power of Porn

Christian marriage is under attack on many fronts. One is the abandonment by the spouses of time with each other due to work, children's activities, and even commitments to the church. Other fronts are the ever-changing role expectations in the culture, and even the need for both spouses to work because of economic burdens resulting from poor financial planning and accum...

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When Someone You Love Is Gay

An event most people are totally unprepared for is the discovery that someone close to them is gay. Whether the confession of gayness comes from a son or daughter, husband, wife or close friend, the reaction is often the same: “What do I say to them now?”, “How can I help?”, and sometimes, “Could I be partly to blame for this situation?” ...

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Incest - The Family Secret

This is the true story of the actual experiences of a woman who was on staff for many years here at Last Days Ministries. After much prayer she chose to remain anonymous in respect for the other members of her family, and because of the relationships she is trying to rebuild. - Melody Green...

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Beginning Bible Study: A Study Through The Word of God

INTRODUCTION We have felt a need to develop a Bible study that will enable people to see clearly the JESUS OF THE WORD and then describe what a FALLEN AWAY CHURCH looks like. Therefore, this Bible study represents the first of several studies designed to TAKE YOU THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD TO EXAMINE YOUR BIBLE FOR YOURSELF....

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Comenzando un estudiando con la Biblia - Un estudio de la palabra de Dios

Nosotros sentimos la necesidad de elaborar un estudio de la Biblia, para proporcionar al lector a Jesus Cristo “La Palabra”, y poder describir como es LA CAIDA DE LA IGLESIA. POR MEDIO DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS PARA QUE EXAMINEMOS EN NUESTRAS PROPIAS BIBLIAS....

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Who Needs Quiet Time? You Do!

The alarm clock rings. Fifteen minutes later, you roll out of bed. Late again. With toothbrush in hand, you step into the shower where you have what passes for "devotions" - a hasty, "Good morning, Lord." While getting dressed, you spot your Bible on the bedside table facing you like a leather-bound judgment. "One of these days," you say to yourself, "I'll get my act toget...

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The Great Falling Away!

A warning about the great falling away of many in the Church in the last days, by Milton Green...

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There's nothing more transfiguring than prayer. People often ask, "Why do you insist on prayer so much?" The answer is very simple - because Jesus did....

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