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Archives for June 2023

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The Pervasive Influence of Unbelief: Helping Parents Navigate the Difficulty of Unanswered Prayers

"I don't understand why God isn't doing anything," exclaimed a parent one night at our parent's group! Sadly, this is the understandable exclamation of many parents. Embedded within that exclamation is a subtle hint that there's a temptation for unbelief. Is it wrong for parents to be upset that they are not seeing the changes they long for in their LGBT-identified loved o...

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Surrender Your Child Back to God

If you find yourself identifying as a parent of a prodigal, you are not alone. Jesus told this story not to condemn or shame you as a parent, but to help you feel seen, heard and understood. He did not communicate any details of the mistakes the father made. He did not disclose why the son was so angry with his father. Instead, he relayed a tale of a grieving father whose ...

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Prophecy of Pride


There is a banner that is waved over this culture of flamboyant and blatant worship of Baal, Jezebel, and pride. It is called the “Rainbow Flag” by some; however, it is rightfully being called by a new and increasingly popular name – “Pride Flag” or “Pride Banner.” I want to share with you what I believe the Lord has shown me in the last several years concern...

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