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Posts Tagged with "Seminar"

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Christ's Voice - Giving Hope to The Church in Finding Freedom from Sexual and Relational Brokenness


Sunnyside Baptist Church desired to bless our community with Christ’s voice on the issues of godly sexuality and holy relating. We believe that Christ speaks through His Word and gives His Church truth for real freedom to those who identify themselves as sexual minorities, LGBTQ+ or any other type of sexual sin outside of God’s will. Jesus reveals His love to all by ca...

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First Stone Ministries Attendance and Code of Conduct Agreement


This is an agreement that is between First Stone Ministries(FSM) and any participant or attendee to any FSM event, seminar, conference or group. This includes all public and/or private events. Participating, Attending or Registration to a First Stone Ministries Event signifies agreement with the event policies....

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