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Posts Tagged with "Heaven & Hell"

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The Terrors of Hell


The study of hell, understanding the theology of hell is very important for Christian maturity. Most churches today forsake the thorough teaching of hell. Therefore, unfortunately, allowing many so-called Christians to remain in sin, no repentance necessary, and believe they are going to heaven. It is not true. Only those who truly surrender their lives to Jesus Christ ...

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Fire! Fire!


We should never forget the extreme mercy of God in delivering us from hell by sending us His Son to die on the cross for our sins. It is so important to remind people of the reality of hell and eternity....

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Detente Y Piensa - Diez Cosas Que los Que Están en el Infierno Arrepentirás

Un pensamiento sobre el infierno y el estado de nuestra nación. He pensado mucho en la eternidad, y al tener muchos familiares y amigos que murieron en estos 'ultimos años. Recuerdo finalmente cuando llegue hacer un creyente verdadero en Jesús Cristo. (mi comprensión de un creyente verdadero es uno quién entrega totalmente su vida y corazon sumiso a Cristo Jesus. Much...

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Ten Things That the Tormented In Hell Regret

I went to a missions conference this weekend and I was reminded about hell and the state of our nation. I have thought a lot about eternity with having so many family and friends dying in the past few years. The following is from Drakes commentary on hell....

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Born Again? Examine Yourself!

Often people of varied church affiliations use the same terminology, but may mean something totally different by their terms. Multitudes around the world say they are "Born Again" and yet their life-style demonstrates that their definition is one contrary to biblical teaching. I write this today, with the deepest concern for those who walk in bondage to sin....

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Nacer De Nuevo? Examinemosnos!

Solimos oír en diferentes denominaciones, iglesias, esta misma doctrina, pero puede significar una cosa diferente, a sus requerimientos. Multitudes alrededor del mundo dicen hemos “Nacido de Nuevo”, somos cristianos, y sus formas de vida demuestran, la definición es contraria a lo enseñado en la Biblia. Escribo esto con una gran importancia, por quienes viven con la...

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