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Posts Tagged with "Stephen Black"

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Differing Views on Christianity, Identity and Homosexuality

Differing Views on Christianity, Identity and Homosexuality where there is an onslaught of the promotion of "gay Christianity" in the Church today. The differing view chart reveals the differences in belief and approach and is helpful for those who need to understand and be warned of those who promote false teaching, or lacking in fullness for HOPE....

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Prophecy of Pride


There is a banner that is waved over this culture of flamboyant and blatant worship of Baal, Jezebel, and pride. It is called the “Rainbow Flag” by some; however, it is rightfully being called by a new and increasingly popular name – “Pride Flag” or “Pride Banner.” I want to share with you what I believe the Lord has shown me in the last several years concern...

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Sabbatical for Stephen Black


In January, Stephen Black made known to the staff of First Stone Ministries (FSM) his hope that 2023 would be a year of repentance and rest. As the FSM board pondered the year before us, it appeared fortuitous that a long overdue sabbatical for our Executive Director would be possible and also highly beneficial to the health of FSM....

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The Power of Humility and Confession: Characteristics of Freedom Realized

Confession Humility Article 2

The amazing grace of God is poured out on those who humble themselves and confess their sins consistently. The power of humility and confession are the characteristics of freedom realized....

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Christ's Voice - Giving Hope to The Church in Finding Freedom from Sexual and Relational Brokenness


Sunnyside Baptist Church desired to bless our community with Christ’s voice on the issues of godly sexuality and holy relating. We believe that Christ speaks through His Word and gives His Church truth for real freedom to those who identify themselves as sexual minorities, LGBTQ+ or any other type of sexual sin outside of God’s will. Jesus reveals His love to all by ca...

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The Gospel According To Jesus Christ and the "Gay Christian?"


A Message to Pastoral Care Leaders Processing The Gospel and "Gay Christianity" This article is equipped with many end-notes of Biblical references to back up the emphatic statements and is a Bible study with over 150 verses on this subject. Please read the Scripture references with this article and let God’s word be your guide....

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