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Archives for September 2000

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The Ten Commandments of Deaf Culture

For the non-Deaf (missionary, pastor, evangelist, interpreter, etc.) while in the presence of a Deaf person. Many people in the deaf community have suffered under sexual abuse and struggle with sexual identity problems. Please consider the following....

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Questions I'm Asked Most About Homosexuality

For over a decade I have worked in the specialized and somewhat controversial field of helping those desiring to overcome the control of homosexuality. It has proven to be quite a learning experience! My own story of recovery from sexual brokenness has been widely publicized, resulting in people contacting me from all over the world....

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Humility: A Prerequisite to Grace

Humility is an absolute to the Christian life, for without it, we cannot grow in our salvation and knowledge of God. Many well-meaning Christians are stifled in their growth, because they have become full of knowledge and pride....

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Setting the Record STRAIGHT

Two men who helped organize the first Exodus conference now claim that ex-gay ministries are a fraud, which promote "homophobia and self-hatred." Their comments have appeared in gay newspapers across North America. In the mid-1970’s Michael Busseee and Gary Cooper were calling themselves "ex-gay." They were both married with children and working at EXIT, the "EX-gay Inte...

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36 Scriptural Reasons to Financial Problems

In searching for answers to financial problems, the Lord has revealed to me there are at least 36 Scriptural reasons for financial problems. I trust this Word study will bless your life as it has mine. This is not a gimmick nor is it an appeal for money....

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Cross-dressing and Christianity: A REAL Man's Struggle

There are some in the Christian faith who do not understand cross-dressing and will condemn you. I know where you are coming from and do not condemn you. I am not a therapist or counselor, but I have "been in your heels", so to speak. I am now an ex-cross-dresser (heterosexual M to F) by the grace and healing of Jesus Christ....

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