November 14, 2019
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Renewing the Mind, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
Victimized by men throughout his childhood and adolescence, Stephen found himself driven by homosexual compulsions. Heading for disaster, he finally discovered the truth about Jesus' sacrifice for his sins and decided to choose holiness. From Pure Passion TV. ...
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October 12, 2018
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Christianity (mature), Church, Counseling, Teaching, Conference, The Gospel, Seminar, Staff, Stephen Black, Sunnyside Baptist Church, Christ's Voice, Parents, Lesbianism, Relational Healing, Ministry To The Homosexual, Relational Wholeness, Laura Leigh Stanlake
Sunnyside Baptist Church desired to bless our community with Christ’s voice on the issues of godly sexuality and holy relating. We believe that Christ speaks through His Word and gives His Church truth for real freedom to those who identify themselves as sexual minorities, LGBTQ+ or any other type of sexual sin outside of God’s will. Jesus reveals His love to all by ca...
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August 9, 2017
by Restored Hope Network (RHN)
| Tags: Cultural Concerns, Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, About First Stone, Church, Ministry To The Homosexual, Emotional Dependency, Gay Christian?, Position Paper
Restored Hope Network (RHN) respectfully disagrees with anyone who continues to identify as both ‘homosexual’ and Christian. Identification with Christ can and must displace an identity based on disordered desires. The New Testament repeatedly calls believers to repent of old identifications and to cleave to the
new, true source of one’s identity...
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October 22, 2014
by Stanlake, Laura Leigh: (FSM)
| Tags: Relational Healing, Christianity (mature), Emotional Dependency, Friendship
It seems to me that our entire Christian culture is looking for the inspiration for connection. What is the best way to connect? What is the face we want to put out there that draws people? How do we connect with hurting people? What is the right formula for making “community” happen in our churches?...
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May 24, 2013
by Stanlake, Laura Leigh: (FSM)
| Tags: Lesbianism, Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness
Video testimony from Laura Leigh Stanlake, Director of Women's Ministries at First Stone Ministries. Freedom from lesbianism, sexual addiction, pornography and sexual abuse....
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January 21, 2005
by Unknown Author
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Relational Healing, Bible, Christianity (beginners)
You may not know me, but I know everything about you Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring Acts 17:28
I k...
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January 21, 2005
by First Stone Ministries (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Parents, Relational Healing, Christianity (mature)
"I'm gay..." Your heart is racing. You're not sure what to think. You feel a little uneasy, maybe a lot. Your roommate has just made clear to you what you had already thought; maybe you had no idea at all. You are no longer wondering what's up with your roommate, but now you're wondering how you are going to deal with his or her homosexuality. Time seems to stand still for...
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June 20, 2000
by Freeman, Penny: (RHN)
| Tags: Lesbianism, Relational Healing, Emotional Dependency
“How did this happen?” asked the woman sitting across from me in my office. “Our relationship started out as one of the best friendships I’ve ever had. I feel like I have waited for years to have a close friend, someone who lights up when she sees me. I guess she got tired of me because now she won’t even talk to me. I feel like some-one has punched me in the...
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January 21, 2000
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Christianity (beginners), Relational Healing
Last year I wrote an article called "Christ Cry - Covenant Love" . I spent a lot of time praying and thinking about what’s really dear to the heart of Jesus....
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January 21, 1999
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Relational Healing, Christianity (beginners)
Recently in preparing a message for a group of men I was praying and asking the Lord about what was on HIS heart to share. I wanted us who say, "I love Jesus" to align ourselves with what was really important to Him. While praying, I was lead to John 17. ...
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February 20, 1998
by Paris, Fran Z1
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Relational Healing, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare, Church
The alarm clock rings. Fifteen minutes later, you roll out of bed. Late again. With toothbrush in hand, you step into the shower where you have what passes for "devotions" - a hasty, "Good morning, Lord." While getting dressed, you spot your Bible on the bedside table facing you like a leather-bound judgment. "One of these days," you say to yourself, "I'll get my act toget...
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September 26, 1997
by Pratney, Winkie Z1
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Relational Healing, Bible, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Warfare
Has the "will of God" been a mystery to you? Have you longed to know what He wants for you, but somehow never found the way? Then read on. If you will faithfully apply these Biblical principles of guidance to your life, you can know the voice of God and do His will as surely as any man or woman of God that ever lived....
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September 10, 1997
by Easterday, Doug Z1
| Tags: Forgiveness, Relational Healing, Renewing the Mind, Salvation
We all have a past - a storehouse of good and bad memories that can still affect the way we live today. Even though I grew up in a godly home and had great parents, some painful things happened to me during my childhood years....
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February 10, 1997
by Davies, Bob & Rentzel, Lori (RHN)
| Tags: Parents, Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Christianity (mature), Emotional Dependency
One of the most frustrating pieces of advice one Christian can give another is to "just give your problems up to God." Most people aren't sure what "giving up" really means....
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January 10, 1997
by Fisher, Farrell Z1
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Christianity (beginners), Relational Healing, Bible
One of the most enlightening passages in all of scripture is found in John 17:3 where Jesus said “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.”...
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May 25, 1995
by Foster, David Kyle: (RHN)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual, Pornography
You see, when I was eight or nine, I suddenly became sexually obsessive and suicidal - classic signs of having been sexually abused, although to this day I have no such memories. I was a spoiled brat, selfish and perverse, full of rebellion and seeking to prove to everyone who looked my way that I was not the goody two-shoes that everyone was trying to typecast me as - bei...
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January 21, 1995
by Pratney, Winkie Z1
| Tags: Forgiveness, Relational Healing, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature)
Have you ever been hurt in your life? Hurt is a universal problem. It's impossible to find anyone in today's society who hasn't been hurt....
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January 20, 1995
by Green, Melody Z1
| Tags: Forgiveness, Relational Healing, Renewing the Mind, Salvation, Spiritual Warfare, Bible, Christianity (mature)
We've all done things we regret. Sometimes, once we recognize our mistakes, we can go back and correct them. Other times we can't. The damage has been done. Memories and accusations flood our minds and we go through mental gymnastics with all the “if onlys.” Sometimes we plunge into a pit of despair and the weight of our sin seems to literally crush the breath out of u...
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October 20, 1988
by Dawson, John Z1
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Relational Healing, Christianity (beginners), Identity
Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as the Bible says He does? God is so big and He sometimes seems so distant - but what is He really like? Do you really know Him? You've heard His instructions, but do you know anything about His emotions or His character?...
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