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Posts Tagged with "Christianity (beginners)"

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Unadulterated Internet - How God is Winning My Heart Over to Him


An encouraging article and testimony from Joseph Thiessen in overcoming internet pornography addiction. There are several helpful tools included from Covenant Eyes....

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Marriage = Biology (Not Bigotry)

Government promotes natural marriage for a reason, permits many other relationships (including gay relationships) while prohibiting very few relationships (like incest)....

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Affirming Biblical Orthodoxy on Homosexuality as Sin


The following article links are helpful in understanding the subject of homosexuality clearly communicated in the Bible as sin and are posted as encouragement and equipping for those who desire to have a clear Biblical response to the culture concerning homosexuality....

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The Bible - What We Believe and Why It Matters

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God; and therefore the supreme authoritative revelation of Truth for all Christian faith and life. We believe that devotion and obedience to God's Word is essential in bringing about the healing process and freedom from the bondage of sexual brokenness....

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Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

THE WORD OF GOD, Use the Scriptures, just like our Lord Jesus Christ did to overcome temptation in the wilderness. Jesus overcame the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life – (Matthew 4:1-11, 1 John 2:15-17), Know/Memorize the Scriptures and hide the Word of God in your heart to be ready for Satan’s attacks. – READ Psa. 119 to grow in-...

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Teens, Porn and Solo Sex: Sex Talk in a Sex-Crazed Society

Men and women —even long-time Christians— can struggle with things like pornography and masturbation. This should be no surprise. Yet those guys you mock in your mind—the ones sneaking in and out of Adult Bookstores—did not get started as adults....

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Ex-Gay: Fact, Fraud, or Fantasy?

"Ex-gay" is a term which always brings a response. For the most part, the gay community believes this is a total lie. They deny that it is possible to become ex-gay. It is their belief that "ex-gay" is a fraudulent term. Most come from the standpoint that a homosexual orientation is inborn, that it cannot be changed. They frequently equate the homosexual orientation with b...

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My Child

You may not know me, but I know everything about you Psalm 139:1 I know when you sit down and when you rise up Psalm 139:2 I am familiar with all your ways Psalm 139:3 Even the very hairs on your head are numbered Matthew 10:29-31 For you were made in my image Genesis 1:27 In me you live and move and have your being Acts 17:28 For you are my offspring Acts 17:28 I k...

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El Secreto de Perdón

No sera facil ver a Jesús lavar estos pies. Ver las manos de Dios frotando los dedos del pie de hombres es, bueno ... no es correcto! Los discípulos deberían estar lavando sus pies a El. Nathanael debería vaciar el agua. Andrés debería llevar la toalla. Pero ellos no lo hacen. Nadie hace nada, execto. En vez de servir, ellos discuten sobre el quien es el mas im...

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Finding the Will of God


Finding the will of God can be unclear and uncertain for many. God is not a physical person that shows up for a conference session to tell you exactly what to do. Any believer would welcome that in a crisis or during a difficult decision time, but the walk of faith with Christ doesn’t work that way....

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Lust is a battle for us all. Christians – both men and women – have struggled with it for generations. Many have measured their or others’ spirituality on the basis of their freedom from lust. Yet for all the interest focused on lust it would seem that we ought to be far more clear about the problem and its solution. What exactly is lust, why is it so hard to change,...

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Questions I'm Asked Most About Homosexuality

For over a decade I have worked in the specialized and somewhat controversial field of helping those desiring to overcome the control of homosexuality. It has proven to be quite a learning experience! My own story of recovery from sexual brokenness has been widely publicized, resulting in people contacting me from all over the world....

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Humility: A Prerequisite to Grace

Humility is an absolute to the Christian life, for without it, we cannot grow in our salvation and knowledge of God. Many well-meaning Christians are stifled in their growth, because they have become full of knowledge and pride....

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My Heavenly Friend

The precious Lord Jesus Christ is our friend. Oh, let us seek to realize this! It is not merely a religious phrase or statement, but truly He is our friend. He is the Brother " born for adversity," the one who "sticks closer than a brother." Who will never leave and never forsake us....

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The Principle of Praying Thrice

There is one particular secret about prayer that we should know about, which is, a praying three times to the Lord. This "thrice" is not limited to only three times, it may be many times. The Lord Jesus asked God three times in the garden of Gethsemane until His prayer was heard-at which point He stopped. Paul too prayed to God three times, and ceased praying after he was ...

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Devotion: The Heart of Prayer

Devotion is the particular frame of mind found in one entirely devoted to God. It is the spirit of reverence, of awe, of godly fear. It is a state of heart which appears before God in prayer and worship. It is foreign to everything like lightness of spirit, and is opposed to levity and noise and bluster....

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Devoted Personal Love of Jesus Christ

We have a revelation of God's personal feelings in the first commandment. We are to love Him with all our heart!...

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Covenant Friend

Last year I wrote an article called "Christ Cry - Covenant Love" . I spent a lot of time praying and thinking about what’s really dear to the heart of Jesus....

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A Tender Heart

Without tenderness of spirit the most intensely righteous, religious life is like the image of God without His beauty and attractiveness....

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Mason's Sayings On Prayer

John Mason's (1646-1694) sayings on prayer compiled by David Smithers with Awake and GO!...

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Offering Hope To Homosexuals

More and more when the issue of homosexuality is raised one hears responses like these: "Why can’t we just ‘live and let live’?" "Why all this bother about something that isn’t anyone else’s business?" "It isn’t for me, but who am Ito say anything about what goes on between consenting adults behind closed doors?" "Aren’t personal decisions about sex a private...

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Christ's Cry ~ Covenant Love!

Recently in preparing a message for a group of men I was praying and asking the Lord about what was on HIS heart to share. I wanted us who say, "I love Jesus" to align ourselves with what was really important to Him. While praying, I was lead to John 17. ...

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Comenzando un estudiando con la Biblia - Un estudio de la palabra de Dios

Nosotros sentimos la necesidad de elaborar un estudio de la Biblia, para proporcionar al lector a Jesus Cristo “La Palabra”, y poder describir como es LA CAIDA DE LA IGLESIA. POR MEDIO DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS PARA QUE EXAMINEMOS EN NUESTRAS PROPIAS BIBLIAS....

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Who Needs Quiet Time? You Do!

The alarm clock rings. Fifteen minutes later, you roll out of bed. Late again. With toothbrush in hand, you step into the shower where you have what passes for "devotions" - a hasty, "Good morning, Lord." While getting dressed, you spot your Bible on the bedside table facing you like a leather-bound judgment. "One of these days," you say to yourself, "I'll get my act toget...

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Knowing God

One of the most enlightening passages in all of scripture is found in John 17:3 where Jesus said “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.”...

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The Holy Bible: Wholly True

The Bible isn't like any other book that's ever been written. The claims of the Bible are unlike any other book - it's not a human book! God called His Word living. But unless you have a rock-solid commitment to truth, the Bible won't change your life - it will only be so many words in a sea of words....

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Hurt and Bitterness

Have you ever been hurt in your life? Hurt is a universal problem. It's impossible to find anyone in today's society who hasn't been hurt....

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Born Again? Examine Yourself!

Often people of varied church affiliations use the same terminology, but may mean something totally different by their terms. Multitudes around the world say they are "Born Again" and yet their life-style demonstrates that their definition is one contrary to biblical teaching. I write this today, with the deepest concern for those who walk in bondage to sin....

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There's nothing more transfiguring than prayer. People often ask, "Why do you insist on prayer so much?" The answer is very simple - because Jesus did....

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No tree can grow except on the root from which it sprang. And what is the root and essence of the character of our Redeemer? There can he but one answer: it is His humility....

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The Father Heart of God

Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as the Bible says He does? God is so big and He sometimes seems so distant - but what is He really like? Do you really know Him? You've heard His instructions, but do you know anything about His emotions or His character?...

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