December 31, 2019
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Freedom Realized, Humility, Confession, Stephen Black, The Cross, The Power of The Cross, Accountability, Boundaries, Spiritually Devoted, Spiritual Warfare
The amazing grace of God is poured out on those who humble themselves and confess their sins consistently. The power of humility and confession are the characteristics of freedom realized....
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November 14, 2019
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Renewing the Mind, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
Victimized by men throughout his childhood and adolescence, Stephen found himself driven by homosexual compulsions. Heading for disaster, he finally discovered the truth about Jesus' sacrifice for his sins and decided to choose holiness. From Pure Passion TV. ...
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July 14, 2017
by Frost, Jack Z1
| Tags: Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare, Grief, Suffering
"How many of you feel that, within the last year, you’ve been through the most intense spiritual warfare you've ever experienced?" Almost the entire congregation raised their hands. It is as if the enemy knows that his time is short and he is coming against the people of God with great intensity. (Revelation 12:12)...
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January 17, 2010
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Spiritual Warfare, Renewing the Mind, Bible, Knowing God & Loving Christ, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Church
THE WORD OF GOD, Use the Scriptures, just like our Lord Jesus Christ did to overcome temptation in the wilderness. Jesus overcame the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life – (Matthew 4:1-11, 1 John 2:15-17), Know/Memorize the Scriptures and hide the Word of God in your heart to be ready for Satan’s attacks. – READ Psa. 119 to grow in-...
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June 20, 2005
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
Stephen Black Interview with David Kyle Foster
Stephen Black's Testimony in overcoming homosexuality and childhood sexual abuse.
Pure Passion - Season 2, Episode 19...
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November 22, 2002
by First Stone Ministries (FSM)
| Tags: Gender Confusion & Cross Dressing, Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, About First Stone, Ministry To The Homosexual, Emotional Dependency, Identity
We love what God does for those who choose to walk according to His ways! We have found freedom from homosexuality by submitting our lives to the Word of God. Hear the stories of three people and hope at First Stone Ministries....
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September 25, 2002
by Kridler, Warren Z1
| Tags: Pornography, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Emotional Dependency
As a young man I grew up in the world and thus into carnality. As a teenager, I began to be attracted to girls. One thing led to another and by the time I was seventeen, I was involved in fornication and pornography. Truly, it was the way of a young man who was not told about God, nor about His laws and the consequences of breaking them....
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March 15, 2001
by Allender, Dr. Dan Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Bible, Salvation, Sexual Purity, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare
Lust is a battle for us all. Christians – both men and women – have struggled with it for generations. Many have measured their or others’ spirituality on the basis of their freedom from lust. Yet for all the interest focused on lust it would seem that we ought to be far more clear about the problem and its solution. What exactly is lust, why is it so hard to change,...
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November 30, 2000
by McGhee, Geri Z1
| Tags: Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare
Many people are distressed and perplexed by the influx of trash and perversion that continually fills their minds. Some relish the thoughts while the godly are tormented by them. Just what is the source of evil thoughts?...
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June 20, 2000
by Ward, Willis Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
I never felt I could share my testimony because I felt too hypocritical. If people knew what I was, and what I had done, then they would reject me. I couldn't deal with rejection. I was an expert at reading people, figuring out what they wanted to see, and meeting their expectations. I held to a strategic plan to protect an image I had set up: "ME"....
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January 28, 2000
by Bounds, E. M. Z1
| Tags: Prayer, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare
Devotion is the particular frame of mind found in one entirely devoted to God. It is the spirit of reverence, of awe, of godly fear. It is a state of heart which appears before God in prayer and worship. It is foreign to everything like lightness of spirit, and is opposed to levity and noise and bluster....
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January 10, 1999
by Green, Milton Z1
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (mature), Bible, Spiritual Warfare, Church
We have felt a need to develop a Bible study that will enable people to see clearly the JESUS OF THE WORD and then describe what a FALLEN AWAY CHURCH looks like. Therefore, this Bible study represents the first of several studies designed to TAKE YOU THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD TO EXAMINE YOUR BIBLE FOR YOURSELF....
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January 10, 1999
by Green, Milton Z1
| Tags: Español, Bible, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare, Church
Nosotros sentimos la necesidad de elaborar un estudio de la Biblia, para proporcionar al lector a Jesus Cristo “La Palabra”, y poder describir como es LA CAIDA DE LA IGLESIA. POR MEDIO DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS PARA QUE EXAMINEMOS EN NUESTRAS PROPIAS BIBLIAS....
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November 20, 1998
by McConkey, Chuck Z1
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual, Gay Christian?
I'm a new creation; I'm a brand new man. If you were to ask me who I was in the Fall of 1977, I would have told you "I am a husband, I am a factory representative, I am the owner of a collector's car..." Just 6 months later in the spring of 1978; if you would have asked me who I was, I would have told you, "I am divorced, I am changing jobs, I am dealing with my dad's deat...
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September 16, 1998
by Gunderson, Denny Z1
| Tags: Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Warfare
Most Christians have at least an intellectual understanding that with Christ all things are possible. We know that He gives us power to live victorious lives, and we believe that old things have passed away and all things have become new. Yet, even after a conversion experience, and in spite of being drenched in Christian seminars, conferences, and Bible training programs,...
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February 20, 1998
by Paris, Fran Z1
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Relational Healing, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare, Church
The alarm clock rings. Fifteen minutes later, you roll out of bed. Late again. With toothbrush in hand, you step into the shower where you have what passes for "devotions" - a hasty, "Good morning, Lord." While getting dressed, you spot your Bible on the bedside table facing you like a leather-bound judgment. "One of these days," you say to yourself, "I'll get my act toget...
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February 11, 1998
by Hunt, Steven (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
When I was about eleven years old, I had an experience that set me on a collision course of sexual brokenness. ...
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September 26, 1997
by Pratney, Winkie Z1
| Tags: Knowing God & Loving Christ, Relational Healing, Bible, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Warfare
Has the "will of God" been a mystery to you? Have you longed to know what He wants for you, but somehow never found the way? Then read on. If you will faithfully apply these Biblical principles of guidance to your life, you can know the voice of God and do His will as surely as any man or woman of God that ever lived....
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September 17, 1997
by Foster, David Kyle: (RHN)
| Tags: Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Warfare, Bible, Christianity (mature)
St. Frances de Sales once wrote: "All the temptations of hell do not stain the soul who does not love them." It's a terrible moment when we discover that we love the things that God hates, and all the more horrible to realize that there's nothing we can do about it except throw ourselves on the mercy of God. Thus God uses our plight to crucify our flesh. The only way to ha...
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May 30, 1997
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual
"God created us this way," the gay priest told me, "and He loves us just the way we are." Sex became a distorted issue for me at an early age. I was molested about age six by a male friend of the family who was baby-sitting me. I was also exposed to some pornography at the same time. The porn was heterosexual, yet very devastating to my understanding of real love and God�...
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September 20, 1996
by Pratney, Winkie Z1
| Tags: Bible, Knowing God & Loving Christ, Cultural Concerns, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare
The Bible isn't like any other book that's ever been written. The claims of the Bible are unlike any other book - it's not a human book! God called His Word living. But unless you have a rock-solid commitment to truth, the Bible won't change your life - it will only be so many words in a sea of words....
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May 25, 1995
by Foster, David Kyle: (RHN)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Relational Healing, Sexual Brokenness, Sexual Purity, Spiritual Warfare, Ministry To The Homosexual, Pornography
You see, when I was eight or nine, I suddenly became sexually obsessive and suicidal - classic signs of having been sexually abused, although to this day I have no such memories. I was a spoiled brat, selfish and perverse, full of rebellion and seeking to prove to everyone who looked my way that I was not the goody two-shoes that everyone was trying to typecast me as - bei...
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January 20, 1995
by Green, Melody Z1
| Tags: Forgiveness, Relational Healing, Renewing the Mind, Salvation, Spiritual Warfare, Bible, Christianity (mature)
We've all done things we regret. Sometimes, once we recognize our mistakes, we can go back and correct them. Other times we can't. The damage has been done. Memories and accusations flood our minds and we go through mental gymnastics with all the “if onlys.” Sometimes we plunge into a pit of despair and the weight of our sin seems to literally crush the breath out of u...
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January 20, 1995
by Ravenhill, Leonard Z1
| Tags: Prayer, Bible, Renewing the Mind, Christianity (beginners), Christianity (mature), Spiritual Warfare, Leadership, Church
There's nothing more transfiguring than prayer. People often ask, "Why do you insist on prayer so much?" The answer is very simple - because Jesus did....
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February 10, 1993
by Black, Stephen: (FSM)
| Tags: Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Brokenness, Spiritual Warfare
As I gave my life completely over to the Lord back in 1983, He took me down memory lane as a part of my deliverance. There I was, a five year old little boy, very curious about the male anatomy. This was the first remembrance of what were the beginnings of homosexual thoughts. ...
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