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Posts by Franklin, Andrew: (FSM)

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Supernatural Life - Andrew Franklin

Andrew Franklin Supernatural Life - TESTIMONY

Andrew Franklin tells his story about how Jesus has transformed his life and brought him out of homosexuality, revealing his true identity in Christ....

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Healthy Sexuality for Today's Generation

When it comes to sexuality, so much confusion exists in our culture. For most teenagers, the voices of the entertainment industry & friends are loud, mysterious, and enticing, while the voice of Christians seems to be...well...quite silent, if not condemning and restrictive. Parents are often uncomfortable talking about sex, and many times they substitute a few "don'ts" in...

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Created for Manhood

From my earliest memories, I can recall a sense of feeling different from my brother, dad, and male friends. While the other men in my life got excited about sports or active play, I found myself much more adept and interested in artistic endeavors like singing and dancing....

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