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Posts Tagged with "Emotional Dependency"

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First Stone Ministries’ Position on ‘Gay Christian’ and ‘Spiritual Friendships?’


Restored Hope Network (RHN) respectfully disagrees with anyone who continues to identify as both ‘homosexual’ and Christian. Identification with Christ can and must displace an identity based on disordered desires. The New Testament repeatedly calls believers to repent of old identifications and to cleave to the new, true source of one’s identity...

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Friendships For God’s Glory and Our Good


It seems to me that our entire Christian culture is looking for the inspiration for connection. What is the best way to connect? What is the face we want to put out there that draws people? How do we connect with hurting people? What is the right formula for making “community” happen in our churches?...

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Calling Out the Man

“Teach me how to be a man.” This has been the cry of my heart, the desire of my life since my memories began. My journey has been one out of homosexuality, a life of devouring men in fraudulent hopes of someday becoming one. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to kill and steal and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” My path has led...

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Freedom Video - Presentation of First Stone Ministries

We love what God does for those who choose to walk according to His ways! We have found freedom from homosexuality by submitting our lives to the Word of God. Hear the stories of three people and hope at First Stone Ministries....

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Freed From The Henchmen: Deliverance From Sexual Addictions & Emotional Dependency

As a young man I grew up in the world and thus into carnality. As a teenager, I began to be attracted to girls. One thing led to another and by the time I was seventeen, I was involved in fornication and pornography. Truly, it was the way of a young man who was not told about God, nor about His laws and the consequences of breaking them....

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Looking for Peace

When you think you have lost everything and nothing else matters, Jesus rises above all of it and carries us through, even in death, what unexplainable joy Jesus gives us in that time! We must trust Him! I chose a rebellious life of lesbianism and bondage to sin. Now I choose HIM! I finally found the freedom, joy, and PEACE that I had spent most of my life looking for, to ...

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Cross-dressing and Christianity: A REAL Man's Struggle

There are some in the Christian faith who do not understand cross-dressing and will condemn you. I know where you are coming from and do not condemn you. I am not a therapist or counselor, but I have "been in your heels", so to speak. I am now an ex-cross-dresser (heterosexual M to F) by the grace and healing of Jesus Christ....

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Unhealthy Relationships Among Women and the Journey to Freedom

“How did this happen?” asked the woman sitting across from me in my office. “Our relationship started out as one of the best friendships I’ve ever had. I feel like I have waited for years to have a close friend, someone who lights up when she sees me. I guess she got tired of me because now she won’t even talk to me. I feel like some-one has punched me in the...

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Free At Last!

I was married yet deeply in love with another man. Guilt and fear raged inside. What if my wife discovered this secret? I am no longer consumed by overwhelming depression. My marriage is being brought back to the place intended from the beginning. Jesus promised that we would have tribulations in this world (John 16:33). And my life still has its share of trials. But I ...

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Relinquishment: What Does It Really Mean To "Let Go"?

One of the most frustrating pieces of advice one Christian can give another is to "just give your problems up to God." Most people aren't sure what "giving up" really means....

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My Secret War

I had spent years in church, graduated from Bible school, and served in short-term missions. But a hidden battle was raging inside that threatened to destroy me....

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Contentment and Joy

From my earliest memories, I have longed to know Jesus. The problem was that I couldn’t ever seem to grasp the truth of His salvation. So, I became a seeker. (God rewards those who seek Him diligently. Thankfully.) Though I looked into many different expressions and practices of various religions and beliefs, I continued to return to Jesus as my One Hope. I attempted to ...

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