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Posts Tagged with "About First Stone"

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Hope for the Homosexual: First Stone Ministries

I have the privilege of talking with many people who minister to others in the area of sexual sin: the youth minister counseling hormone-charged teens, the pastor getting ready for a sermon on lust, the counselor meeting with sex addicts, or the brave soul reaching out to women in the adult industry. But no type of ministry is perhaps as overlooked, underfunded, and sti...

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First Stone Ministries’ Position on ‘Gay Christian’ and ‘Spiritual Friendships?’


Restored Hope Network (RHN) respectfully disagrees with anyone who continues to identify as both ‘homosexual’ and Christian. Identification with Christ can and must displace an identity based on disordered desires. The New Testament repeatedly calls believers to repent of old identifications and to cleave to the new, true source of one’s identity...

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FSM & RHNs' Position on The Role of Christian Counseling for Persons w/ Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction


First Stone Ministries embraces the Restored Hope Network (RHN) Policy on the Role of Christian Counseling for Persons with Unwanted Same-Sex Attractions. This policy was developed by the RHN board 2016-2017 and was presented to the Member Ministries for a vote in June of 2017. This became the recognized policy of the RHN Network....

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Concerning Our Transition from Exodus International to Restored Hope Network

We, the Board of Restored Hope Network, grieve the decision of Alan Chambers and the board of Exodus to close down this venerable organization. It feels like the unnecessary death of a dear friend. It would have been better for them to have stepped aside and allowed others to carry on the message of hope for transformed lives. Although the timing of the news was a surprise...

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Everyone Needs This Ministry - A Letter from a Pastor


A Letter from a Pastor Who Participated in Living Waters 2014-2015...

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First Stone Ministries Attendance and Code of Conduct Agreement


This is an agreement that is between First Stone Ministries(FSM) and any participant or attendee to any FSM event, seminar, conference or group. This includes all public and/or private events. Participating, Attending or Registration to a First Stone Ministries Event signifies agreement with the event policies....

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Transformation of Persons with Same-Sex Attraction: Becoming Who We Are


Never in our history has the need been greater for the Church to stand strong on the Biblical Orthodox view of marriage, which is clearly one man and one woman. Never in our history has the Church been so lenient and passive concerning serial adultery with no fault divorce running rampant through her doors. ...

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First Stone Ministries’ Position on Advocating for Marriage


This statement was taken in part, and used by permission from the Restored Hope Network “Position on Advocating for Marriage”. First Stone Ministries, along with Restored Hope Network, upholds the original definition of marriage as understood through Scripture and the history of humanity: one man committed for one woman for the sake of the children they create and/or ...

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Our Common Bond: The Presence of Idolatry and the Hope to Overcome

"It is impossible to understand your heart or your culture if you do not discern the counterfeit gods that influence them. "Do I truly know what the primary influences are that shape the desires of my heart or do I simply take the comfortable path of denial and reject any possibility that I could be enslaved to such an abominable thing as idolatry? Is my thinking really fu...

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A Letter From Parents

The last First Stone newsletter you sent out was God-inspired and truly ministered to those of us who are parents of children caught in this trap of same-sex attraction. The Fading Faces article really touched our lives....

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Fading Faces - Voices of Healing

The faces that come to the First Stone office are nothing more than the fading faces of children who have been hurt...but now the face we see is the grown up one, but the hurt is still there. Matthew 18:10 says “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”...

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Freedom Video - Presentation of First Stone Ministries

We love what God does for those who choose to walk according to His ways! We have found freedom from homosexuality by submitting our lives to the Word of God. Hear the stories of three people and hope at First Stone Ministries....

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Setting the Record STRAIGHT

Two men who helped organize the first Exodus conference now claim that ex-gay ministries are a fraud, which promote "homophobia and self-hatred." Their comments have appeared in gay newspapers across North America. In the mid-1970’s Michael Busseee and Gary Cooper were calling themselves "ex-gay." They were both married with children and working at EXIT, the "EX-gay Inte...

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