Differing Views on Christianity, Identity and Homosexuality where there is an onslaught of the promotion of "gay Christianity" in the Church today. The differing view chart reveals the differences in belief and approach and is helpful for those who need to understand and be warned of those who promote false teaching, or lacking in fullness for HOPE....
There have many studies to try and prove that people are born gay. NONE have given results, although much speculation in the media and from Hollywood since Simon LeVay's terrible study results released in 1991. A new study of a Human Genome-Wide Association Study of the largest sample ever to date, almost 500,000 reveal NO ONE IS BORN GAY!...
The amazing grace of God is poured out on those who humble themselves and confess their sins consistently. The power of humility and confession are the characteristics of freedom realized....
Sunnyside Baptist Church desired to bless our community with Christ’s voice on the issues of godly sexuality and holy relating. We believe that Christ speaks through His Word and gives His Church truth for real freedom to those who identify themselves as sexual minorities, LGBTQ+ or any other type of sexual sin outside of God’s will. Jesus reveals His love to all by calling us all into a deep relationship, and by calling for our need to embrace a sincere faith producing repentance and genuine hope of salvation and renewal in our sexuality and relationships....
I have the privilege of talking with many people who minister to others in the area of sexual sin: the youth minister counseling hormone-charged teens, the pastor getting ready for a sermon on lust, the counselor meeting with sex addicts, or the brave soul reaching out to women in the adult industry.
But no type of ministry is perhaps as overlooked, underfunded, and stigmatized as a ministry to homosexuals.
Restored Hope Network (RHN) respectfully disagrees with anyone who continues to identify as both ‘homosexual’ and Christian. Identification with Christ can and must displace an identity based on disordered desires. The New Testament repeatedly calls believers to repent of old identifications and to cleave to the
new, true source of one’s identity...
The God Who Sees Me is Annette Morales' testimony. Annette went through discipleship pastoral care at First Stone Ministries and participated in the Living Waters support group for several years. Annette is now serving as a volunteer at First Stone Ministries in helping others recover from sexual and relational brokenness....
First Stone Ministries embraces the Restored Hope Network (RHN) Policy on the Role of Christian Counseling for Persons with Unwanted Same-Sex Attractions. This policy was developed by the RHN board 2016-2017 and was presented to the Member Ministries for a vote in June of 2017. This became the recognized policy of the RHN Network....
"How many of you feel that, within the last year, you’ve been through the most intense spiritual warfare you've ever experienced?" Almost the entire congregation raised their hands. It is as if the enemy knows that his time is short and he is coming against the people of God with great intensity. (Revelation 12:12)...
This public response is answering a false claim, some distortions and the typical fake-news narrative by those who do not hold to a conservative Biblical orthodox view of human sexuality, The Gayly and Sara Cunningham. Before going into the details of their false claims...
The study of hell, understanding the theology of hell is very important for Christian maturity. Most churches today forsake the thorough teaching of hell. Therefore, unfortunately, allowing many so-called Christians to remain in sin, no repentance necessary, and believe they are going to heaven. It is not true. Only those who truly surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord, bringing forth the fruit of repentance enter into heaven....
We should never forget the extreme mercy of God in delivering us from hell by sending us His Son to die on the cross for our sins. It is so important to remind people of the reality of hell and eternity....
Perverse-Grace, Red Flags to Alert You to Perverse-Grace Teachings is to help people identify if they might be under a perverse-hyper-grace teacher. If you hear the following things being taught in your church or community you are under perverse-grace teaching. This is very important as it is a segue to the promotion of “gay Christianity.”...
From Stephen Black: Andrew Comiskey gave a very timely message that serves as a prophetic warning to the Church. I believe this warning is especially needed for evangelicals that are more susceptible to the growing deception toward embracing “gay Christianity.” Evangelicals are more likely than ever before to embrace the mixture of the cheap-grace messaging, adding the validation of same-sex sexual orientation and then pouring in a once prayed, always saved message. The outcome of this mixture has caused many to embrace “gay Christianity.” Andrew Comiskey gives a warning as he shares his own story of how this “gay Christian” messaging infiltrated his own home through the “Spiritual Friendship” movement and Wesley Hill's book with the so-called celibate gays, who are calling for the Church to embrace “gay Christianity” as a dangerously deceptive and corrupting option....
First Stone has compiled a short list of stunning statistics concerning pornography use among Christians including pastors as well as in marriage and children....
Stephen Black was the guest speaker at Abundant Grace Community Church in Gainesville, FL on January 17, 2016. He shared a message from the testimony of his life on how the word of God brought salvation....
After the ruling of the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 Laura Leigh Stanlake, Director of Women's Ministries attended a local church service where a pastor gave a message in responding to so-called "gay marriage". There was a problem! Homosexual identity and Christianity were being integrated as one legitimate identity-- a "gay Christian" identity. Laura responded with this article in the Winter 2015 First Stone Newsletter....
The emphasis of the beauty of God's divine intent and His divine creation brings clarity to Imago Dei - made in the image of God. This message was delivered on June 26, 2015 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania the very morning the Supreme Court gave their opinion on gay marriage in America....
I am hearing of this more and more—that a Christian has been invited to attend a "wedding" between two men or two women. It is usually from a relative, a close friend, or perhaps their own child. A Christian, who is faced with a decision whether to attend or not, processes through many questions with heartache. ...
This is an agreement that is between First Stone Ministries(FSM) and any participant or attendee to any FSM event, seminar, conference or group. This includes all public and/or private events. Participating, Attending or Registration to a First Stone Ministries Event signifies agreement with the event policies....
It seems to me that our entire Christian culture is looking for the inspiration for connection. What is the best way to connect? What is the face we want to put out there that draws people? How do we connect with hurting people? What is the right formula for making “community” happen in our churches?...
A Clarion Call for Genuine Salvation and Biblical Hope; Not Compromise! God commands us to love one another, yet only through the divine influence of the Holy Spirit living in us and moving us to love as the Lord Jesus Christ loves are we able to fulfill that command and walk out love. The Holy Spirit creates this kind of love within God’s diligent surrendered repentant people, enabling them to walk out true love without denying true justice. Only in His love can we avoid the great compromise of our age....
February 12, 2014by Miller Ph.D., Dave & Harrub Ph.D., Brad Z1
The trumpets were left at home and the parades were canceled. The press releases and campaign signs were quietly forgotten. The news was big, but it did not contain what some had hoped for. On April 14, 2003, the International Human Genome Consortium announced the successful completion of the Human Genome Project—two years ahead of schedule. ...
The following article links are helpful in understanding the subject of homosexuality clearly communicated in the Bible as sin and are posted as encouragement and equipping for those who desire to have a clear Biblical response to the culture concerning homosexuality....
A Message to Pastoral Care Leaders Processing The Gospel and "Gay Christianity" This article is equipped with many end-notes of Biblical references to back up the emphatic statements and is a Bible study with over 150 verses on this subject. Please read the Scripture references with this article and let God’s word be your guide....
This three-part series will address the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments—or tenets—into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments. A brief description of these arguments will be provided, followed by a response/rebuttal to each....
This three-part series will address the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments—or tenets—into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments. A brief description of these arguments will be provided, followed by a response/rebuttal to each....
This three-part series will address the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments—or tenets—into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments. A brief description of these arguments will be provided, followed by a response/rebuttal to each....
There are a great many people in ministry whose personal healing has not reached a stage where it is safe for them to be a model or teacher for others who are seeking help. There, I said it!...
After ten years of celibacy, Jim (not his real name) had concluded that masturbation was his consolation prize - door number three in a world where the big deal of the day was behind door number one. "It was God's provision for single people and for those in sexually unfulfilling marriages," he surmised, concluding that it would be unfair for God to have made things any other way. "Even more," he thought, "it was necessary to maintain healthy physiology. After all, the Bible was silent on the issue wasn't it?"...
Finding the will of God can be unclear and uncertain for many. God is not a physical person that shows up for a conference session to tell you exactly what to do. Any believer would welcome that in a crisis or during a difficult decision time, but the walk of faith with Christ doesn’t work that way....
William Booth loved others enough not only to tell them about Jesus, but to go out into their misery, filth, and darkness to share in their pain - that they, in return, might share in his joy in knowing God. It is possible for anyone who has a sincere desire to find God, to enter into that joy and peace He so freely gives to those who love Him. It is our prayer that you will read this with an open and searching heart - and that you will enter into a deep and loving relationship with your Father in heaven....
After the ruling of the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 Laura Leigh Stanlake, Director of Women's Ministries attended a local church service where a pastor gave a message in responding to so-called "gay marriage". There was a problem! Homosexual identity and Christianity were being integrated as one legitimate identity-- a "gay Christian" identity. Laura responded with this...