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Posts by Green, Milton Z1

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Comenzando un estudiando con la Biblia - Un estudio de la palabra de Dios

Nosotros sentimos la necesidad de elaborar un estudio de la Biblia, para proporcionar al lector a Jesus Cristo “La Palabra”, y poder describir como es LA CAIDA DE LA IGLESIA. POR MEDIO DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS PARA QUE EXAMINEMOS EN NUESTRAS PROPIAS BIBLIAS....

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Beginning Bible Study: A Study Through The Word of God

INTRODUCTION We have felt a need to develop a Bible study that will enable people to see clearly the JESUS OF THE WORD and then describe what a FALLEN AWAY CHURCH looks like. Therefore, this Bible study represents the first of several studies designed to TAKE YOU THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD TO EXAMINE YOUR BIBLE FOR YOURSELF....

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The Great Falling Away!

A warning about the great falling away of many in the Church in the last days, by Milton Green...

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