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Posts Tagged with "Gender Confusion & Cross Dressing"

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The War on Gender

The legislatures in many states are now even enacting laws that prevent anyone, including medical and mental health professionals, from offering any care to a gender dysphoric patient other than affirming social and medical transition. In fact, I have heard many stories of those who were rushed through the process of transition without any counseling or mental health asses...

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Public Response to False Claims Laid Against The TranZformed Documentary Being “Soul-Crushing”


This public response is answering a false claim, some distortions and the typical fake-news narrative by those who do not hold to a conservative Biblical orthodox view of human sexuality, The Gayly and Sara Cunningham. Before going into the details of their false claims...

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Freedom Video - Presentation of First Stone Ministries

We love what God does for those who choose to walk according to His ways! We have found freedom from homosexuality by submitting our lives to the Word of God. Hear the stories of three people and hope at First Stone Ministries....

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What is a Biblical View of Transgendered People and Hermaphrodites?

Hello, I would like to know the biblical insight on transgenderism [Definition: appearing as, wishing to be considered as, or having undergone surgery to become a member of the opposite sex] and other sexual defects of the human body. There are lots of issues like hermaproditism and intersexualism [a set of medical conditions where the "sex chromosomes," external genitalia...

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Law and Grace

Today we are living in a unique window of time that will not last forever. We are living in an age of grace where God is performing the ministry of reconciliation (I Cor. 5:18)....

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Cross-dressing and Christianity: A REAL Man's Struggle

There are some in the Christian faith who do not understand cross-dressing and will condemn you. I know where you are coming from and do not condemn you. I am not a therapist or counselor, but I have "been in your heels", so to speak. I am now an ex-cross-dresser (heterosexual M to F) by the grace and healing of Jesus Christ....

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Jennifer Elaine... or Jerry Edward?

Dressing as a woman gave me excitement, sexual and emotional , pleasure, and a wonderful means to temporarily escape from my hated existence as a man....

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The Man in the Mirror

Imagine - me married! A day of rejoicing and celebration, of sharing love between family and friends. At my side was my wife, the woman I loved. But special as it was, our wedding held a much deeper significance....

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