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Posts Tagged with "Parents"

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The Pervasive Influence of Unbelief: Helping Parents Navigate the Difficulty of Unanswered Prayers

"I don't understand why God isn't doing anything," exclaimed a parent one night at our parent's group! Sadly, this is the understandable exclamation of many parents. Embedded within that exclamation is a subtle hint that there's a temptation for unbelief. Is it wrong for parents to be upset that they are not seeing the changes they long for in their LGBT-identified loved o...

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Surrender Your Child Back to God

If you find yourself identifying as a parent of a prodigal, you are not alone. Jesus told this story not to condemn or shame you as a parent, but to help you feel seen, heard and understood. He did not communicate any details of the mistakes the father made. He did not disclose why the son was so angry with his father. Instead, he relayed a tale of a grieving father whose ...

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Christ's Voice - Giving Hope to The Church in Finding Freedom from Sexual and Relational Brokenness


Sunnyside Baptist Church desired to bless our community with Christ’s voice on the issues of godly sexuality and holy relating. We believe that Christ speaks through His Word and gives His Church truth for real freedom to those who identify themselves as sexual minorities, LGBTQ+ or any other type of sexual sin outside of God’s will. Jesus reveals His love to all by ca...

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Recommended Books: Parents and Family

First Stone Ministries recommends these books....

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A Letter From Parents

The last First Stone newsletter you sent out was God-inspired and truly ministered to those of us who are parents of children caught in this trap of same-sex attraction. The Fading Faces article really touched our lives....

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Help, My Roommate's Gay

"I'm gay..." Your heart is racing. You're not sure what to think. You feel a little uneasy, maybe a lot. Your roommate has just made clear to you what you had already thought; maybe you had no idea at all. You are no longer wondering what's up with your roommate, but now you're wondering how you are going to deal with his or her homosexuality. Time seems to stand still for...

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Directed by Difficulties, Transformed by Trouble

Proverbs gives us a long list of sins that get us into trouble, such as impatience, dishonesty, selfishness, a hot temper, and even talking too much. It also tells us that wisdom will keep us out of trouble. Anytime we ignore God’s principles, we eventually suffer the consequences. We always reap what we sow. God has given us the freedom to make choices, but we are not f...

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A Model For Hurting Parents

Last week we looked at the parable of the prodigal son from the perspective of what it teaches us about God’s abundant mercy toward sinners who repent. This was our Lord’s main reason for giving the parable, to teach the self-righteous Pharisees that God is rich in mercy toward every sinner who turns to Him....

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Apart From Prayer We Can Do NOTHING!

Did you know that the Kingdom of God will not come apart from PRAYER? The unreached will never hear the sweet name of Jesus without the labor of someone’s Spirit-led prayers. Regardless of how things may appear on the surface, nothing of eternal value is ever released without somebody, somewhere PRAYING. Because prayer by its nature is often a HIDDEN work, being done in ...

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Does God Really Care?

"Does God really care?" How often have we, as parents, in our despair, fear and hopelessness, asked this question?...

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Offering Hope To Homosexuals

More and more when the issue of homosexuality is raised one hears responses like these: "Why can’t we just ‘live and let live’?" "Why all this bother about something that isn’t anyone else’s business?" "It isn’t for me, but who am Ito say anything about what goes on between consenting adults behind closed doors?" "Aren’t personal decisions about sex a private...

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When Someone You Love Is Gay

An event most people are totally unprepared for is the discovery that someone close to them is gay. Whether the confession of gayness comes from a son or daughter, husband, wife or close friend, the reaction is often the same: “What do I say to them now?”, “How can I help?”, and sometimes, “Could I be partly to blame for this situation?” ...

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A Mother's Testimony

Almost 3 years ago, my son told me he was "gay". In all honesty I cannot tell you that it came as a complete and total surprise. We had questioned (to ourselves) some of his actions, but I would not let my questions surface, because I trusted my son. He had accepted Jesus Christ when he was 10 and loved the Lord, and because of that he could not be a homosexual. I didn't r...

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Relinquishment: What Does It Really Mean To "Let Go"?

One of the most frustrating pieces of advice one Christian can give another is to "just give your problems up to God." Most people aren't sure what "giving up" really means....

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