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Posts Tagged with "Salvation"

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The God Who Sees Me - Annette Morales' Testimony

Annette Morales

The God Who Sees Me is Annette Morales' testimony. Annette went through discipleship pastoral care at First Stone Ministries and participated in the Living Waters support group for several years. Annette is now serving as a volunteer at First Stone Ministries in helping others recover from sexual and relational brokenness....

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The Gospel According To Jesus Christ and the "Gay Christian?"


A Message to Pastoral Care Leaders Processing The Gospel and "Gay Christianity" This article is equipped with many end-notes of Biblical references to back up the emphatic statements and is a Bible study with over 150 verses on this subject. Please read the Scripture references with this article and let God’s word be your guide....

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Lust is a battle for us all. Christians – both men and women – have struggled with it for generations. Many have measured their or others’ spirituality on the basis of their freedom from lust. Yet for all the interest focused on lust it would seem that we ought to be far more clear about the problem and its solution. What exactly is lust, why is it so hard to change,...

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Humility: A Prerequisite to Grace

Humility is an absolute to the Christian life, for without it, we cannot grow in our salvation and knowledge of God. Many well-meaning Christians are stifled in their growth, because they have become full of knowledge and pride....

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Alone With God

We have to be alone with God in finding personal salvation. Others may be used as instruments in bringing conviction, light, help in various ways; but there comes a crisis, both in the work of regeneration and of sanctification, in which the soul must be detached from others, and deal only with God. How utterly impertinent are human words in such a crisis....

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How to Find God

William Booth loved others enough not only to tell them about Jesus, but to go out into their misery, filth, and darkness to share in their pain - that they, in return, might share in his joy in knowing God. It is possible for anyone who has a sincere desire to find God, to enter into that joy and peace He so freely gives to those who love Him. It is our prayer that you wi...

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Restoration Through Forgiveness

We all have a past - a storehouse of good and bad memories that can still affect the way we live today. Even though I grew up in a godly home and had great parents, some painful things happened to me during my childhood years....

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The Great Falling Away!

A warning about the great falling away of many in the Church in the last days, by Milton Green...

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But I Can't Forgive Myself

We've all done things we regret. Sometimes, once we recognize our mistakes, we can go back and correct them. Other times we can't. The damage has been done. Memories and accusations flood our minds and we go through mental gymnastics with all the “if onlys.” Sometimes we plunge into a pit of despair and the weight of our sin seems to literally crush the breath out of u...

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Born Again? Examine Yourself!

Often people of varied church affiliations use the same terminology, but may mean something totally different by their terms. Multitudes around the world say they are "Born Again" and yet their life-style demonstrates that their definition is one contrary to biblical teaching. I write this today, with the deepest concern for those who walk in bondage to sin....

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Nacer De Nuevo? Examinemosnos!

Solimos oír en diferentes denominaciones, iglesias, esta misma doctrina, pero puede significar una cosa diferente, a sus requerimientos. Multitudes alrededor del mundo dicen hemos “Nacido de Nuevo”, somos cristianos, y sus formas de vida demuestran, la definición es contraria a lo enseñado en la Biblia. Escribo esto con una gran importancia, por quienes viven con la...

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