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Posts Tagged with "Spouses"

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Recommended Books: Spouses

First Stone Ministries recommends these books....

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God Restored My Marriage

“Beth,” my friend confided, “when I pray about your husband, two words keep getting impressed on my heart. One is suicide, and the other is homosexuality.”...

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Why I Won't See Brokeback Mountain

With eight Oscar nominations, more than any other movie this year, Brokeback Mountain continues to gain momentum. And with the momentum comes increasing interest by evangelicals to see it. I will avoid the movie like a slug avoids an overturned saltshaker and for the life of me, cannot understand why any evangelical would see it-though there appear to be many. But what is ...

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Like Oil and Water

"So, should I start over?" The doctor asked. I had just walked back into my husband’s hospital room. Steven nodded. Very graciously, the doctor continued. He reviewed my husband’s illness, pnuemocystis carinii pneumonia, and reminded us that this kind of illness only occurs when the immune system is broken down. AIDS was a possible culprit and he was here to give the r...

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