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Archives for January 1999

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Offering Hope To Homosexuals

More and more when the issue of homosexuality is raised one hears responses like these: "Why can’t we just ‘live and let live’?" "Why all this bother about something that isn’t anyone else’s business?" "It isn’t for me, but who am Ito say anything about what goes on between consenting adults behind closed doors?" "Aren’t personal decisions about sex a private...

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Homosexual Sacrifice: A Word to the Church

As I share with people about the ministry of First Stone, these quotes are the repeated ritual I have heard so many times over the last 10 years....

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Marriage and the Power of Porn

Christian marriage is under attack on many fronts. One is the abandonment by the spouses of time with each other due to work, children's activities, and even commitments to the church. Other fronts are the ever-changing role expectations in the culture, and even the need for both spouses to work because of economic burdens resulting from poor financial planning and accum...

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When Someone You Love Is Gay

An event most people are totally unprepared for is the discovery that someone close to them is gay. Whether the confession of gayness comes from a son or daughter, husband, wife or close friend, the reaction is often the same: “What do I say to them now?”, “How can I help?”, and sometimes, “Could I be partly to blame for this situation?” ...

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Christ's Cry ~ Covenant Love!

Recently in preparing a message for a group of men I was praying and asking the Lord about what was on HIS heart to share. I wanted us who say, "I love Jesus" to align ourselves with what was really important to Him. While praying, I was lead to John 17. ...

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Incest - The Family Secret

This is the true story of the actual experiences of a woman who was on staff for many years here at Last Days Ministries. After much prayer she chose to remain anonymous in respect for the other members of her family, and because of the relationships she is trying to rebuild. - Melody Green...

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Comenzando un estudiando con la Biblia - Un estudio de la palabra de Dios

Nosotros sentimos la necesidad de elaborar un estudio de la Biblia, para proporcionar al lector a Jesus Cristo “La Palabra”, y poder describir como es LA CAIDA DE LA IGLESIA. POR MEDIO DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS PARA QUE EXAMINEMOS EN NUESTRAS PROPIAS BIBLIAS....

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Beginning Bible Study: A Study Through The Word of God

INTRODUCTION We have felt a need to develop a Bible study that will enable people to see clearly the JESUS OF THE WORD and then describe what a FALLEN AWAY CHURCH looks like. Therefore, this Bible study represents the first of several studies designed to TAKE YOU THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD TO EXAMINE YOUR BIBLE FOR YOURSELF....

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How to Find God

William Booth loved others enough not only to tell them about Jesus, but to go out into their misery, filth, and darkness to share in their pain - that they, in return, might share in his joy in knowing God. It is possible for anyone who has a sincere desire to find God, to enter into that joy and peace He so freely gives to those who love Him. It is our prayer that you wi...

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