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Archives for May 2010

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True Justice: Halting the Push for Gay Marriage

As I read of the 2600 same-sex couples wed in San Francisco last weekend, I studied a telling photograph that accompanied the article. In it, two small children looked on in confusion at the gay unions being formalized in front of them; they covered their eyes in shame as Mother locked lips with her new “spouse”, alongside of several other same-sex couples....

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Why Many Go Back: Giving Some Answers Why Defectors Embrace Homosexuality

Apostle Peter warned us that scoffers and mockers would come on the scene with louder and louder voices in the last days. Ruled by their own fleshly desires, appetites and se­duced by demonic powers, Peter warned that the scoffers and mockers would raise a ruckus against those who desire to live godly, leaving behind their true devotion to God’s word for lifestyles of s...

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