A Letter From Parents
First Stone Friends,
The last First Stone newsletter (Fading Faces) you sent out was God-inspired and truly ministered to those of us who are parents of children caught in this trap of same-sex attraction. In a beautiful way, you put the precious faces to the innocence that was robbed from them often at an early age, leaving their boundaries broken and their young and impressionable hearts bruised and confused. How I wish the world could see the youthful faces of all those struggling from sexual brokenness, for maybe then the world would begin to accept responsibility and reach out in love rather than contempt. Sexual brokenness breeds enough self-contempt as it is without being shut out with additional shame and contempt. This story, the roots and causes of homosexuality, must continue to be brought into view. Maybe then we could begin to reclaim and redeem the innocence of those so unjustly violated. Thank you for seeing this issue through God’s eyes so that the world might have a glimpse of the whole picture.
Grateful Hearts,
More in Resources
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Put Away in Order to Put OnJanuary 23, 2024
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Biblical Foundations on Sexuality