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Porn & Sex are Women's Issues Too!


Part One

There's a common misconception that pornography and sex addiction is exclusively a struggle for men. This leaves many women to struggle in silence, too ashamed to come forward. In part one of this two part episode, special guest Laura Leigh Stanlake openly discusses her past struggles with sexual addiction, and her work towards finding a path to freedom.

Testimony Interview by Love & Truth Network

Video via: Wistia Audio Podcast via:  Apple  |  Youtube Music  |  Spotify


Part Two

In part two, Laura Leigh Stanlake and Garry Ingraham continue their discussion over the impact of pornography and sexual brokenness on Christian women, as well as broaden their topic into the gay celibate Christian movement. Additionally, both share how the church needs to change their outreach and ministry to those caught in the vicious cycle of sexual sin.

Testimony Interview by Love & Truth Network

Video via: Wistia Audio Podcast via:  Apple  |  Youtube Music - Episode 44  |  Spotify