Sabbatical for Stephen Black
In January, Stephen Black made known to the staff of First Stone Ministries (FSM) his hope that 2023 would be a year of repentance and rest. As the FSM board pondered the year before us, it appeared fortuitous that a long overdue sabbatical for our Executive Director would be possible and also highly beneficial to the health of FSM.
For more than thirty years, Stephen has fought, boldly and fiercely, battles in which most would be unwilling to engage.
As the FSM board of directors considered the year before us and contemplated the readiness of the FSM team to take on additional responsibilities, it was unanimous that we take advantage of this window of opportunity to minister to Stephen.
We have formally granted him a sabbatical period until at least June 1, 2023 to seek perspective on the state of the ministry, the team, and his own spiritual health.
We have asked him to engage in a few key high-profile events, but, aside from those, the team will handle the ministry lead of FSM.
We will continue to minister through appointments as before through normal channels and will consider public ministry on an individual basis.
For questions or comments regarding the sabbatical specifically, you may email either the FSM staff or members of the Board of Directors by special email to: [email protected]
First Stone Ministries welcomes your prayers for this important time for the future of this work of ministry.