Our Be Steadfast Support Group meets for the purpose of ministering hope and providing support for those whose loved ones identify themselves as homosexual, lesbian, transgender or transexual.
We have two options for this group*:
- An online group on the 1st Monday of each month.
- An in-person group on the 3rd Friday of each month.
If you are interested in more information or would like to join this group, please submit a Contact Us form requesting interest in "Parents Group".**
Our current curriculum, "Shattered Dreams, New Hope", comes from HarvestUSA.
Shattered Dreams, New Hope is written for Christian parents whose child identifies as LGBTQ+ and does not desire to live in accordance with God’s Word.
The curriculum is organized in three parts: “Discovering Your Child,” “Caring for Your Heart,” and “Moving Toward Your Child.”
In “Discovering Your Child,” you’ll explore Harvest USA’s Tree Model, and you’ll learn about the five elements of your child’s life that may explain why and how they’ve made some of their decisions. This section will help you see your child more comprehensively, and it will give you a vision for areas in your child’s life that God may want to change or heal.
In “Caring for Your Heart,” you’ll focus primarily on your experience since first learning about your child’s issue. This section is very important because parents often neglect to get the help they need. When a child comes “out of the closet,” many parents go “into the closet” to keep others from seeing their pain. This section will help parents explore their emotions, fears, and doubts so they might experience the freedom to mourn, grieve, and heal.
Finally, in “Moving Toward Your Child,” you’ll learn practical wisdom for how to pursue your child, love them compassionately and intelligently, and enter their world while also inviting them into yours. This section will consider the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15) and how the love that you receive from God informs and empowers the love that you can show your son or daughter.
* except for Holidays and special events.
** Should you be granted access to our groups, please note that regular-nonattendance of longer than 1 year may result in your being removed from communication lists regarding group activities. To regain access, a consultation with the group leader will be needed.