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Freedom From Lesbianism Videos - 1

The following women are testifying that they have permanently left a life of lesbianism.
All of these women want others to know that there is freedom from homosexuality and
being gay-identified through a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord. 

 Laura-Leigh Stanlake-T


debora barr
Laura Leigh
Anne Paulk Pamela Ousley  Debora Barr
Charlene_Cothran-T Brooke_Donnelly-T  Miriam Alexander-T  JanetBoynes-T 
Charlene Cothran Brooke Donnelly Miriam Alexander Janet Boynes
Melissa_Fryrear-T Theresa_Renfroe-T  Linda_Jernigan-T  Maite_Rodriguez-T 
Melissa Fryrear Theresa Renfroe Linda Jernigan Maité Rodriguez
Christie_May-T   Melissa_Ingraham-T


Monica Brown - T 
Christie May  Melissa Ingraham Christine Sneeringer  Monica Brown
 Part 2     Part 2

Page 2 of 2 - Women Freed from Lesbianism