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The Watchword


The Watchword ministry is provided to encourage prayer and passion for a true revival of apostolic Christianity.  The following PDF links are offered in the hope of provoking zeal, passion and love in the hope of providing a vision of what the Church could be if we would all fervently pray!  The Watchword ministry is provided by David Smithers, pastor, author, and church, prayer, revival historian.  To contact David Smithers, email here.


Watchword #1
William McCulloch and
George Whitefield
Watchword #2
Charles Finney
Watchword #3 
The 100 Year
Prayer Meeting
Watchword #4
Billy Bray
Watchword #5
William Booth
Watchword #6 
Howell Harris
Watchword #7
David Brainerd
Watchword #8
George Fox
Watchword #9
Gilbert Tennent
Watchword #10
John Wesley
Watchword #11
Evan Roberts
Watchword #12
Jonathan Goforth
Watchword #13
Alexander Moody Stuart
Watchword #14
Joseph H. Weber
Watchword #15
John Wesley Redfield

Watchword #16 
Willaim C. Burns
Watchword #17
Alexander Moody Stuart
Watchword #18
illiam Bramwell
Watchword #19
Joseph H. Weber
Watchword #20
John Wesley Redfield
Watchword #21
Jonathan Goforth
Watchword #22
Count Zinzendorf
Watchword #23
Gilbert Tennent
Watchword #24
Gen. William Booth
Watchword #25
Evan Roberts
Watchword #26
Christmas Evans
Watchword #27
Billy Bray
Watchword #28
Philip Jacob Spener
Watchword #29
David Brainerd
Watchword #30
George Fox
Watchword #31
John Wesley
Watchword #32
John Hyde
Watchword #33
Charles G. Finney
Watchword #34
E.M. Bounds
Watchword #35
Sarah A. Cooke
Watchword #36
Edward Payson
Watchword #37
John Oxtoby
Watchword #38
Uncle John Vassar
Watchword #39
Robert Murray McCheyne
Watchword #40
C.H. Spurgeon
Watchword #41
John Smith
Watchword #42
Stonewall Jackson
Watchword #43
irolamo Savonarola
Watchword #44
Andrew Bonar
Watchword #45
Pandita Ramabai
Watchword #46
Edward D. Griffin
Watchword #47
Mordecai F. Ham
Watchword #48
William P. Nicholson
Watchword #49
Richard Baxter
Watchword #50
J.O. Fraser
Watchword #51
ohn Sung
Watchword #52
ames Caughey
Watchword #53
Andrew Murray &
David Smithers

  "Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving... " Col. 4:2