The Greatest Gift
Twas The night before Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The children were nestled all snug in warm beds,
While visions of sugar cookies danced in their heads.
Momma in her cotton jammies and I in my cap,
Had just turned off the T.V. for a long winter’s nap.
When up at the front door there arose such a clatter,
I sprang out of bed to see what was the matter.
Down through the hallway, like an eagle, I did soar.
I undid all the locks and opened the door.
The light on the new-fallen snow,
Gave a luster of midday to objects below.
When what to my gaze should suddenly appear
But a person so holy—my heart was filled with fear.
From the light of His being I didn’t think twice;
I knew in a moment it was Jesus Christ.
Quicker than thoughts my feelings came;
He whispered, and lovingly He called by name.
He said, “My child Christmas is not a once-a-year event,
Or just a day in December when money should be spent.
The meaning is not found in stockings filled with toys,
Or in tales of flying reindeer for young girls and boys.
Nor is it found under a tree or in a large sack
That some jolly old man carries around on his back.
Your children are nestled all snug in warm beds
Your family is well-fed with a roof o’er your head.
You spend your time anticipating presents under a tree,
But have you told your children about the greatest gift—
I came to earth a tiny baby child, but the meaning is forgotten,
And the lies—they run wild.
You must remember for what this day stands.
I looked and I saw the scars in His hands.
As raindrops in a wild hurricane fly,
So, too, were the tears that fell from my eyes.
I could not match His gaze nor heed His call,
Humbled by His presence to my knees I did fall.
I cried Lord forgive me, for such a sinner am I
In forgetting the meaning and believing the lie.
He smiled and said, Go tell your children and wife
To remember this meaning each day of your life.
And with that He was gone, but Angelic voices carried on the wind, singing
John 14:6
copyright Tom White © 2003 - Used with permission
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