Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll
After many years in rebellion, I am now walking and living out the Lord’s call on my life. There have been many trials along the way but also many blessings, confirmations and encouragement’s! I would like to share some of the miracles God has done in my life and how He has brought me to this point in time. I was raised in a solid Christian home. Nevertheless, during my childhood, I was sexually molested a few times, unbeknownst to my family. My first experience was gang rape at age six. Twisted adults also molested me, under the guise of “love and tenderness.” I could never tell my parents. There was a “no talk” attitude (about sex or anything that really mattered) in our family that I believe caused me to withdraw from expressing my feelings of fear, guilt and shame. From an early age, satan tried to destroy both me and the call of God on my life. When I was eleven, a twenty-five year old woman in our church molested me. My body had matured but my mind was still that of an eleven-year-old. I experienced fear and guilt but loved the attention and the physical feelings. In the midst of the act, another church member discovered what was happening. She phoned my parents. When my father confronted me he said, “We must get down on our knees and pray for forgiveness.” I did not understand what was happening, but I did what he asked. At that moment, I felt alienated from my father’s love because “I had allowed” this to happen. I experienced more fear, confusion and shame. I didn’t realize at the time but I disconnected from him and felt it was all my fault. As a child, I then understood that sex with women was bad, and to have any sexual feelings was a sin. When I experienced the awakening of sexual feelings within me, I did not know how to handle this powerful force. The real struggle began.
To finish reading Cameron's testimony, please click this link to Wynn's Story on Restoring Wholeness' website.
Prodigal: A Journey to Freedom from Abuse and Addiction
Also, Wynn's new book can be found on his website by clicking here.
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