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Law and Grace

Today we are living in a unique window of time that will not last forever. We are living in an age of grace where God is performing the ministry of reconciliation (I Cor. 5:18)....

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A Battle Plan Against Porn That Works

I am a man who has been delivered by God from a hardcore addiction to pornography and habitual sexual sin. This page gives my testimony and a BATTLE PLAN that has proven to be successful in the battle against porn. Let God deliver you from oppression....

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The Source of Evil Thoughts

Many people are distressed and perplexed by the influx of trash and perversion that continually fills their minds. Some relish the thoughts while the godly are tormented by them. Just what is the source of evil thoughts?...

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A Life Determined Before Birth?

Essentially, society has two views of homosexuality. The traditional view holds that homosexuality is an aberration, the orientation is a disorder, and the behavior is pathological. The opposing view is that homosexuality is a normal variant in the human condition, that it is determined before birth, and homosexual behavior is natural for those so oriented....

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The Ten Commandments of Deaf Culture

For the non-Deaf (missionary, pastor, evangelist, interpreter, etc.) while in the presence of a Deaf person. Many people in the deaf community have suffered under sexual abuse and struggle with sexual identity problems. Please consider the following....

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Questions I'm Asked Most About Homosexuality

For over a decade I have worked in the specialized and somewhat controversial field of helping those desiring to overcome the control of homosexuality. It has proven to be quite a learning experience! My own story of recovery from sexual brokenness has been widely publicized, resulting in people contacting me from all over the world....

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Humility: A Prerequisite to Grace

Humility is an absolute to the Christian life, for without it, we cannot grow in our salvation and knowledge of God. Many well-meaning Christians are stifled in their growth, because they have become full of knowledge and pride....

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Setting the Record STRAIGHT

Two men who helped organize the first Exodus conference now claim that ex-gay ministries are a fraud, which promote "homophobia and self-hatred." Their comments have appeared in gay newspapers across North America. In the mid-1970’s Michael Busseee and Gary Cooper were calling themselves "ex-gay." They were both married with children and working at EXIT, the "EX-gay Inte...

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36 Scriptural Reasons to Financial Problems

In searching for answers to financial problems, the Lord has revealed to me there are at least 36 Scriptural reasons for financial problems. I trust this Word study will bless your life as it has mine. This is not a gimmick nor is it an appeal for money....

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Unhealthy Relationships Among Women and the Journey to Freedom

“How did this happen?” asked the woman sitting across from me in my office. “Our relationship started out as one of the best friendships I’ve ever had. I feel like I have waited for years to have a close friend, someone who lights up when she sees me. I guess she got tired of me because now she won’t even talk to me. I feel like some-one has punched me in the...

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