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Why Many Go Back: Giving Some Answers Why Defectors Embrace Homosexuality

Apostle Peter warned us that scoffers and mockers would come on the scene with louder and louder voices in the last days. Ruled by their own fleshly desires, appetites and se­duced by demonic powers, Peter warned that the scoffers and mockers would raise a ruckus against those who desire to live godly, leaving behind their true devotion to God’s word for lifestyles of s...

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Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

THE WORD OF GOD, Use the Scriptures, just like our Lord Jesus Christ did to overcome temptation in the wilderness. Jesus overcame the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life – (Matthew 4:1-11, 1 John 2:15-17), Know/Memorize the Scriptures and hide the Word of God in your heart to be ready for Satan’s attacks. – READ Psa. 119 to grow in-...

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Does God Hate Homosexuals?

It was a heinous crime, to say the least. Matthew Shepard, an openly gay college student, was beaten and murdered during a robbery. The media reports that Matthew was deliberately targeted by his murders because he was homosexual, and has labeled it a hate crime. Gay activists, always on the lookout (like any activist) for an opportunity to promote their agenda, have decid...

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The Untold Story About Sally Kern

Washington’s political gay elitists with the Victory Fund edited Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern’s comments from a closed door meeting given in a January speech of this year. They edited down the comments to what they considered the most inflammatory sound bites....

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Porn No More! Tools for Gaining Freedom

Internet pornography (I-porn) has always been easily accessible. I should know. I have to keep watch for my own soul on a regular basis. If you have been trapped in this addiction, you too know its power to hold and its power to keep you in bondage or if you need assistance in keeping your computer (and your eyes) from accessing I-porn, then this article should help you le...

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The Overthrow of Straight America

"All churches who condemn us will be closed,” boasted Michael Swift in a February 1987 issue of the Gay Community News. He went on to write, “We shall sodomize your sons.... We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups…"...

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I am but a Sparrow

I am but a sparrow bound to the world below. I dream of flying above the clouds where my frame could never know. Friends round about mock me in jest. They say I am foolish to long for such a quest....

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A Letter From Parents

The last First Stone newsletter you sent out was God-inspired and truly ministered to those of us who are parents of children caught in this trap of same-sex attraction. The Fading Faces article really touched our lives....

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Why They Fall

The first week of November 2006 our nation was hit with a scandal in the headlines concerning the fall of a prominent Christian leader. I know this man’s work and was grieved deeply, as I have visited his church. Many participants and friends of our ministry have asked “why?” Since the scandal involved homosexuality, the questions started coming our way....

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Changing Perspectives on Homosexuality

Neil and Briar Whitehead once wrote: "So much of what people in the West now believe about homosexuality is not the truth. Misinformed people are quoting other misinformed people so that the blind lead the blind. It suits some people to believe what they do, but many others genuinely don't know what to believe and would welcome the truth if they only knew where to find it...

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