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"This is the Way God Made Me" A Scientific Examination of Homosexuality and the "Gay


The trumpets were left at home and the parades were canceled. The press releases and campaign signs were quietly forgotten. The news was big, but it did not contain what some had hoped for. On April 14, 2003, the International Human Genome Consortium announced the successful completion of the Human Genome Project—two years ahead of schedule. ...

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Transformation of Persons with Same-Sex Attraction: Becoming Who We Are


Never in our history has the need been greater for the Church to stand strong on the Biblical Orthodox view of marriage, which is clearly one man and one woman. Never in our history has the Church been so lenient and passive concerning serial adultery with no fault divorce running rampant through her doors. ...

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First Stone Ministries’ Position on Advocating for Marriage


This statement was taken in part, and used by permission from the Restored Hope Network “Position on Advocating for Marriage”. First Stone Ministries, along with Restored Hope Network, upholds the original definition of marriage as understood through Scripture and the history of humanity: one man committed for one woman for the sake of the children they create and/or ...

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When Did Idolatry Become Compatible with Christianity? Why It Matters.


Yesterday, March 26, 2013, during oral arguments in a landmark Supreme Court case regarding same-sex marriage, Associate Justice Antonin Scalia and pro-gay marriage advocate Theodore Olson had a discussion about the Constitution that sheds light on an issue within the church....

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Affirming Biblical Orthodoxy on Homosexuality as Sin


The following article links are helpful in understanding the subject of homosexuality clearly communicated in the Bible as sin and are posted as encouragement and equipping for those who desire to have a clear Biblical response to the culture concerning homosexuality....

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The Bible - What We Believe and Why It Matters

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God; and therefore the supreme authoritative revelation of Truth for all Christian faith and life. We believe that devotion and obedience to God's Word is essential in bringing about the healing process and freedom from the bondage of sexual brokenness....

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Healthy Sexuality for Today's Generation

When it comes to sexuality, so much confusion exists in our culture. For most teenagers, the voices of the entertainment industry & friends are loud, mysterious, and enticing, while the voice of Christians seems to be...well...quite silent, if not condemning and restrictive. Parents are often uncomfortable talking about sex, and many times they substitute a few "don'ts" in...

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The Gospel According To Jesus Christ and the "Gay Christian?"


A Message to Pastoral Care Leaders Processing The Gospel and "Gay Christianity" This article is equipped with many end-notes of Biblical references to back up the emphatic statements and is a Bible study with over 150 verses on this subject. Please read the Scripture references with this article and let God’s word be your guide....

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Our Common Bond: The Presence of Idolatry and the Hope to Overcome

"It is impossible to understand your heart or your culture if you do not discern the counterfeit gods that influence them. "Do I truly know what the primary influences are that shape the desires of my heart or do I simply take the comfortable path of denial and reject any possibility that I could be enslaved to such an abominable thing as idolatry? Is my thinking really fu...

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True Justice: Halting the Push for Gay Marriage

As I read of the 2600 same-sex couples wed in San Francisco last weekend, I studied a telling photograph that accompanied the article. In it, two small children looked on in confusion at the gay unions being formalized in front of them; they covered their eyes in shame as Mother locked lips with her new “spouse”, alongside of several other same-sex couples....

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