William Booth loved others enough not only to tell them about Jesus, but to go out into their misery, filth, and darkness to share in their pain - that they, in return, might share in his joy in knowing God. It is possible for anyone who has a sincere desire to find God, to enter into that joy and peace He so freely gives to those who love Him. It is our prayer that you wi...
For many years the gay community has used the media as a means to change society’s attitudes about homosexuality. They have disseminated much questionable information to convince society that homosexuality is innate, unchangeable and a normal variable in the spectrum of human sexuality....
Most Christians have at least an intellectual understanding that with Christ all things are possible. We know that He gives us power to live victorious lives, and we believe that old things have passed away and all things have become new. Yet, even after a conversion experience, and in spite of being drenched in Christian seminars, conferences, and Bible training programs,...
The alarm clock rings. Fifteen minutes later, you roll out of bed. Late again. With toothbrush in hand, you step into the shower where you have what passes for "devotions" - a hasty, "Good morning, Lord." While getting dressed, you spot your Bible on the bedside table facing you like a leather-bound judgment. "One of these days," you say to yourself, "I'll get my act toget...
Has the "will of God" been a mystery to you? Have you longed to know what He wants for you, but somehow never found the way? Then read on. If you will faithfully apply these Biblical principles of guidance to your life, you can know the voice of God and do His will as surely as any man or woman of God that ever lived....
St. Frances de Sales once wrote: "All the temptations of hell do not stain the soul who does not love them." It's a terrible moment when we discover that we love the things that God hates, and all the more horrible to realize that there's nothing we can do about it except throw ourselves on the mercy of God. Thus God uses our plight to crucify our flesh. The only way to ha...
We all have a past - a storehouse of good and bad memories that can still affect the way we live today. Even though I grew up in a godly home and had great parents, some painful things happened to me during my childhood years....
WHEN was the last time your media ever told you the truth about sexual sin? No one on TV pays the price of illicit sex. No one in the movies gets herpes or AIDS when they jump into bed with their fun current partner of the moment. Nobody that sings the songs connects their "I want your sex" life-style with the constant pain, crazy rages and suicide....
One of the most frustrating pieces of advice one Christian can give another is to "just give your problems up to God." Most people aren't sure what "giving up" really means....